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Novel transition to fully absorbing state without long-range spatial order in directed percolation class
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-03 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2020.105247
Sumit S. Pakhare , Prashant M. Gade

We study coupled Gauss maps in one dimension and observe a transition to band periodic state with 2 bands. This is a periodic state with period-2 in a coarse-grained sense. This state does not show any long-range order in space. We compute two different order parameters to quantify the transition a) Flipping rate F(t) which measures departures from period-2 and b) Persistence P(t) which quantifies the loss of memory of initial conditions. At the critical point, F(t) shows a power-law decay with exponent 0.158 which is close to 1-D directed percolation (DP) transition. The persistence exponent at the critical point is found to be 1.51 which matches with several models in 1-D DP class. We also study the finite-size scaling and off-critical scaling to estimate other exponents z and ν. We observe excellent scaling for both F(t) as well as P(t) and the exponents obtained are clearly in DP class. We believe that DP transition could be observed in systems where activity goes to zero even if the spatial profile could be inhomogeneous and lacking any long-range order.



我们研究了一维耦合高斯图,并观察到具有2个波段的波段周期状态的跃迁。这是一个周期状态,周期2为粗粒度。此状态在空间中不显示任何远程顺序。我们计算两个不同的阶数参数来量化过渡a)跳变率Ft),其测量与周期2的偏离,以及b)持久性Pt),其对初始条件的记忆丧失进行量化。在临界点Ft)显示了幂律衰减,指数为0.158,接近一维定向渗滤(DP)跃迁。发现临界点的持久指数为1.51,与1-D DP类中的多个模型匹配。我们还研究了有限大小缩放和关闭严重的尺度来估计其他指数žν 。我们观察到Ft)和Pt)都具有出色的缩放比例,并且获得的指数显然在DP类中。我们认为,即使空间分布可能不均匀且缺乏任何长距离顺序,在活动变为零的系统中也可以观察到DP过渡。
