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Signature Restriction for Polymorphic Algebraic Effects
arXiv - CS - Programming Languages Pub Date : 2020-03-18 , DOI: arxiv-2003.08138
Taro Sekiyama and Takeshi Tsukada and Atsushi Igarashi

The naive combination of polymorphic effects and polymorphic type assignment has been well known to break type safety. Existing approaches to this problem are classified into two groups: one for restricting how effects are triggered and the other for restricting how they are implemented. This work explores a new approach to ensuring the safety of polymorphic effects in polymorphic type assignment. A novelty of our work lies in finding a restriction on effect interfaces. To formalize our idea, we employ algebraic effects and handlers, where an effect interface is given by a set of operations coupled with type signatures. We propose signature restriction, a new notion to restrict the type signatures of operations, and show that signature restriction is sufficient to ensure type safety of an effectful language equipped with unrestricted polymorphic type assignment. We also develop a type-and-effect system to enable the use of both operations that satisfy and do not satisfy the signature restriction in a single program.


