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Early life stress induced by maternal separation during lactation alters the eating behavior and serotonin system in middle-aged rat female offspring.
Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.pbb.2020.172908
Julliet Araújo de Souza 1 , Matilde Cesiana da Silva 2 , Fernanda Cicalese Ourem Costa 3 , Rhowena Jane Barbosa de Matos 4 , Renata Cristinny de Farias Campina 5 , Larissa Cavalcanti do Amaral Almeida 6 , Amanda Alves Marcelino da Silva 7 , Taisy Cinthia Ferro Cavalcante 7 , Gabriel Araújo Tavares 8 , Sandra Lopes de Souza 9

Stressful events occurring during early life have been related to behavioral and neurochemical disturbances. Maternal separation during the first two weeks of life is a traumatic event that strongly affects the feeding behavior and serotonergic system of the progeny in adulthood. As this system modulates the feeding behavior, the present study aimed at investigating the effects of maternal separation-induced stress on both the feeding behavior and serotonergic system of the middle-aged female rats by manipulating this system using fluoxetine, a selective serotonin transporter inhibitor. Lactating Wistar rats were separated from their litters from postnatal day 2 (PND 2) to PND 14 for 3 h in the dark phase of the circadian cycle. The maternally separated (MS) and control (C) groups were distinguished from each other based on the incidence or absence of maternal separation (early life stress). All the analyses were done on the female offspring from one-year of age. Maternal separation anticipated the satiety point in these females. This anticipation was linked to lower food intake, meal duration and meal size. These results mirrored the effects of fluoxetine in the control animals. Furthermore, maternal separation was associated with 5ht1b serotonin receptor hyperexpression in the hypothalamus. These findings demonstrate that maternal separation has long-lasting effects on the eating behavior and serotonergic system and that this system could be responsible for mediating these behavioral outcomes.



早年发生的压力事件与行为和神经化学障碍有关。在生命的前两周,母体分离是一个创伤事件,严重影响成年后代的喂养行为和血清素能系统。由于该系统调节进食行为,因此本研究旨在通过使用氟西汀(一种选择性5-羟色胺转运蛋白抑制剂)操纵该系统来研究母体分离诱导的应激对中年雌性大鼠的进食行为和血清素能系统的影响。在昼夜周期的黑暗阶段,从出生后第2天(PND 2)到PND 14,将哺乳期的Wistar大鼠从其产仔中分离3小时。根据母体分离的发生与否(早期生活压力),将母体分离(MS)组和对照组(C)进行区分。所有分析均针对一岁以上的雌性后代。产妇分离预期这些女性的饱腹感。这种预期与较低的食物摄入量,进餐时间和进餐量有关。这些结果反映了氟西汀在对照动物中的作用。此外,母体分离与下丘脑5ht1b血清素受体过表达有关。这些发现表明,母体分离对进食行为和血清素能系统具有长期影响,并且该系统可能负责介导这些行为结果。所有分析均针对一岁以上的雌性后代。产妇分离预期这些女性的饱腹感。这种预期与较低的食物摄入量,进餐时间和进餐量有关。这些结果反映了氟西汀在对照动物中的作用。此外,母体分离与下丘脑5ht1b血清素受体过表达有关。这些发现表明,母体分离对进食行为和血清素能系统具有长期影响,并且该系统可能负责介导这些行为结果。所有分析均针对一岁以上的雌性后代。产妇分离预期这些女性的饱腹感。这种预期与较低的食物摄入量,进餐时间和进餐量有关。这些结果反映了氟西汀在对照动物中的作用。此外,母体分离与下丘脑5ht1b血清素受体过表达有关。这些发现表明,母体分离对进食行为和血清素能系统具有长期影响,并且该系统可能负责介导这些行为结果。这些结果反映了氟西汀在对照动物中的作用。此外,母体分离与下丘脑5ht1b血清素受体过表达有关。这些发现表明,母体分离对进食行为和血清素能系统具有长期影响,并且该系统可能负责介导这些行为结果。这些结果反映了氟西汀在对照动物中的作用。此外,母体分离与下丘脑5ht1b血清素受体过表达有关。这些发现表明,母体分离对进食行为和血清素能系统具有长期影响,并且该系统可能负责介导这些行为结果。
