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An R Package for generating covariance matrices for maximum-entropy sampling from precipitation chemistry data
arXiv - CS - Mathematical Software Pub Date : 2020-03-13 , DOI: arxiv-2003.06316
Hessa Al-Thani and Jon Lee

We present an open-source R package (MESgenCov v 0.1.0) for temporally fitting multivariate precipitation chemistry data and extracting a covariance matrix for use in the MESP (maximum-entropy sampling problem). We provide multiple functionalities for modeling and model assessment. The package is tightly coupled with NADP/NTN (National Atmospheric Deposition Program / National Trends Network) data from their set of 379 monitoring sites, 1978--present. The user specifies the sites, chemicals, and time period desired, fits an appropriate user-specified univariate model for each site and chemical selected, and the package produces a covariance matrix for use by MESP algorithms.


用于从降水化学数据中生成最大熵采样协方差矩阵的 R 包

我们提出了一个开源 R 包 (MESgenCov v 0.1.0),用于对多元降水化学数据进行时间拟合并提取协方差矩阵以用于 MESP(最大熵采样问题)。我们为建模和模型评估提供多种功能。该软件包与来自 1978 年至今的 379 个监测站点的 NADP/NTN(国家大气沉积计划/国家趋势网络)数据紧密结合。用户指定所需的站点、化学品和时间段,为每个站点和所选化学品拟合适当的用户指定单变量模型,并且该包生成协方差矩阵供 MESP 算法使用。