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Annual report to the nation on the status of cancer, part II: Progress toward Healthy People 2020 objectives for 4 common cancers.
Cancer ( IF 6.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-12 , DOI: 10.1002/cncr.32801
S Jane Henley 1 , Cheryll C Thomas 1 , Denise Riedel Lewis 2 , Elizabeth M Ward 3 , Farhad Islami 4 , Manxia Wu 1 , Hannah K Weir 1 , Susan Scott 2 , Recinda L Sherman 3 , Jiemin Ma 4 , Betsy A Kohler 3 , Kathleen Cronin 2 , Ahmedin Jemal 4 , Vicki B Benard 1 , Lisa C Richardson 1

BACKGROUND The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the American Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute, and the North American Association of Central Cancer Registries collaborate to provide annual updates on cancer occurrence and trends in the United States and to address a special topic of interest. Part I of this report focuses on national cancer statistics, and part 2 characterizes progress in achieving select Healthy People 2020 cancer objectives. METHODS For this report, the authors selected objectives-including death rates, cancer screening, and major risk factors-related to 4 common cancers (lung, colorectal, female breast, and prostate). Baseline values, recent values, and the percentage change from baseline to recent values were examined overall and by select sociodemographic characteristics. Data from national surveillance systems were obtained from the Healthy People 2020 website. RESULTS Targets for death rates were met overall and in most sociodemographic groups, but not among males, blacks, or individuals in rural areas, although these groups did experience larger decreases in rates compared with other groups. During 2007 through 2017, cancer death rates decreased 15% overall, ranging from -4% (rural) to -22% (metropolitan). Targets for breast and colorectal cancer screening were not yet met overall or in any sociodemographic groups except those with the highest educational attainment, whereas lung cancer screening was generally low (<10%). Targets were not yet met overall for cigarette smoking, recent smoking cessation, excessive alcohol use, or obesity but were met for secondhand smoke exposure and physical activity. Some sociodemographic groups did not meet targets or had less improvement than others toward reaching objectives. CONCLUSIONS Monitoring trends in cancer risk factors, screening test use, and mortality can help assess the progress made toward decreasing the cancer burden in the United States. Although many interventions to reduce cancer risk factors and promote healthy behaviors are proven to work, they may not be equitably applied or work well in every community. Implementing cancer prevention and control interventions that are sustainable, focused, and culturally appropriate may boost success in communities with the greatest need, ensuring that all Americans can access a path to long, healthy, cancer-free lives.


向国家提交的关于癌症状况的年度报告,第二部分:实现 4 种常见癌症的健康人 2020 目标的进展。

背景 疾病控制和预防中心、美国癌症协会、国家癌症研究所和北美中央癌症登记协会合作提供美国癌症发生率和趋势的年度更新,并解决一个特别感兴趣的话题. 本报告的第一部分侧重于国家癌症统计数据,第二部分描述了在实现选定的“健康人 2020”癌症目标方面取得的进展。方法 对于本报告,作者选择了与 4 种常见癌症(肺癌、结直肠癌、女性乳腺癌和前列腺癌)相关的目标——包括死亡率、癌症筛查和主要危险因素。对基线值、最近值以及从基线到最近值的百分比变化进行了全面检查,并通过选择的社会人口学特征进行了检查。来自国家监测系统的数据来自健康人 2020 网站。结果 在大多数社会人口群体中,总体上达到了死亡率目标,但在男性、黑人或农村地区的个人中没有达到目标,尽管与其他群体相比,这些群体的死亡率下降幅度更大。从 2007 年到 2017 年,癌症死亡率总体下降了 15%,范围从 -4%(农村)到 -22%(大城市)。乳腺癌和结直肠癌筛查的目标总体上或在任何社会人口学群体中尚未达到,但教育程度最高的人群除外,而肺癌筛查普遍较低(<10%)。吸烟、近期戒烟、过度饮酒或肥胖的总体目标尚未达到,但二手烟暴露和身体活动已达到目标。一些社会人口群体没有达到目标,或者在达到目标方面的进步低于其他群体。结论 监测癌症风险因素、筛查测试使用和死亡率的趋势有助于评估美国在减轻癌症负担方面取得的进展。尽管许多降低癌症风险因素和促进健康行为的干预措施被证明是有效的,但它们可能无法在每个社区公平应用或运作良好。实施可持续、重点突出且文化适宜的癌症预防和控制干预措施可能会在最需要帮助的社区促进成功,确保所有美国人都能获得长寿、健康、无癌症的生活。结论 监测癌症风险因素、筛查测试使用和死亡率的趋势有助于评估美国在减轻癌症负担方面取得的进展。尽管许多降低癌症风险因素和促进健康行为的干预措施被证明是有效的,但它们可能无法在每个社区公平应用或运作良好。实施可持续、重点突出且文化适宜的癌症预防和控制干预措施可能会在最需要帮助的社区促进成功,确保所有美国人都能获得长寿、健康、无癌症的生活。结论 监测癌症风险因素、筛查测试使用和死亡率的趋势有助于评估美国在减轻癌症负担方面取得的进展。尽管许多降低癌症风险因素和促进健康行为的干预措施被证明是有效的,但它们可能无法在每个社区公平应用或运作良好。实施可持续、重点突出且文化适宜的癌症预防和控制干预措施可能会在最需要帮助的社区促进成功,确保所有美国人都能获得长寿、健康、无癌症的生活。尽管许多降低癌症风险因素和促进健康行为的干预措施被证明是有效的,但它们可能无法在每个社区公平应用或运作良好。实施可持续、重点突出且文化适宜的癌症预防和控制干预措施可能会在最需要帮助的社区促进成功,确保所有美国人都能获得长寿、健康、无癌症的生活。尽管许多降低癌症风险因素和促进健康行为的干预措施被证明是有效的,但它们可能无法在每个社区公平应用或运作良好。实施可持续、重点突出且文化适宜的癌症预防和控制干预措施可能会在最需要帮助的社区促进成功,确保所有美国人都能获得长寿、健康、无癌症的生活。