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Changes to steps, lying, and eating behavior during lactation in Jersey and Holstein cows and the relationship to feed intake, yield, and weight.
Journal of Dairy Science ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-12 , DOI: 10.3168/jds.2019-17565
L Munksgaard 1 , M R Weisbjerg 1 , J C S Henriksen 1 , P Løvendahl 2

Devices that record behavior automatically have made it possible to accurately measure the lying and eating behavior of large numbers of dairy cows. During lactation, weight, feed intake, and production of cows change; however, longitudinal studies of how the behavior of dairy cows is correlated with production traits during lactation are limited. This study describes changes in duration of lying and eating behavior throughout lactation and how these variables are related to changes in milk yield, live weight, and feed intake in lactating primi- and multiparous Holstein and Jersey cows. Data were from 255 cow lactations (43 primi- and 80 multiparous Jersey cows, and 56 primi- and 76 multiparous Holstein cows) from 5 to 200 d in milk. Leg-mounted tags were used to record lying time and steps; ad libitum feed intake (of a partial mixed ration) variables were recorded from feed bins on weight cells; and milk yield and live weight were recorded during automatic milking, all on a daily basis. The lactation trajectory was split into 4 segments. Data were analyzed using mixed effects linear models. Holstein cows spent more time lying and eating than Jersey cows, whereas Jersey cows had a greater number of steps (25-37%). First-lactation cows spent less time eating and had more steps than older cows. Average daily lying time was approximately 1 h longer during February than the shortest lying time, which was observed in August. Both Holstein and Jersey multiparous cows had longer lying times than cows in first parity after parturition; however, the lying time of multiparous cows decreased, whereas that of primiparous cows increased in the beginning of lactation. Later in lactation, older cows tended to increase duration of lying more than younger cows did. The daily change in behavior (lying, eating, and steps) and milk yield, live weight, and dry matter intake, characterized as slopes in the lactation period for each cow, were not strongly correlated. However, we found a moderate correlation between changes in milk yield and dry matter intake, and between changes in eating time and rate of eating. An increase in eating rate in multiparous Holstein cows was correlated with increasing lying time. In conclusion, the use of automated behavior recording enabled thorough investigations of relationships between a range of behavior traits and frequently recorded production traits, and revealed that patterns of change during lactation are strongly affected by breed and parity.



自动记录行为的设备使准确测量大量奶牛的躺卧和进食行为成为可能。泌乳期间,奶牛的体重,采食量和产量会发生变化;但是,有关泌乳期间奶牛行为与生产性状如何相关的纵向研究是有限的。这项研究描述了整个泌乳期躺卧和进食行为的变化,以及这些变量与泌乳初生和多胎荷斯坦奶牛和泽西奶牛的产奶量,活体重和采食量的变化如何相关。数据来自在5到200 d牛奶中255头泌乳期(43头初产和80头泽西产奶牛,56头初产和76头荷斯坦产奶牛)。腿上安装的标签用于记录躺下的时间和步伐。从体重箱上的饲料箱记录任意采食量(部分混合日粮)的变量;每天都在自动挤奶期间记录牛奶产量和活重。泌乳轨迹分为四个部分。使用混合效应线性模型分析数据。荷斯坦奶牛的躺卧和进食时间比泽西奶牛多,而泽西奶牛的步数更多(25-37%)。与大龄母牛相比,初泌牛花费的时间更少,步数更多。2月份的平均每日躺卧时间比8月份的最短躺卧时间长约1小时。荷斯坦和泽西岛多产母牛的产后时间均比分娩后初胎的母牛更长。但是,多头母牛的产蛋时间减少了,而初乳母牛的泌乳期开始增加。哺乳后期,年长的母牛比年长的母牛倾向于增加产蛋时间。行为(躺卧,进食和步伐)与牛奶产量,活重和干物质摄入量的每日变化(以每头母牛泌乳期的斜率为特征)没有明显的相关性。但是,我们发现产奶量和干物质摄入量变化之间以及进食时间和进食速度变化之间存在适度的相关性。多头荷斯坦奶牛的进食速度增加与躺卧时间增加有关。总之,使用自动行为记录可以对一系列行为特征与经常记录的生产特征之间的关系进行彻底的调查,