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Induced subgraphs of bounded treewidth and the container method
arXiv - CS - Discrete Mathematics Pub Date : 2020-03-11 , DOI: arxiv-2003.05185
Tara Abrishami and Maria Chudnovsky and Marcin Pilipczuk and Pawe{\l} Rz\k{a}\.zewski and Paul Seymour

A hole in a graph is an induced cycle of length at least 4. A hole is long if its length is at least 5. By $P_t$ we denote a path on $t$ vertices. In this paper we give polynomial-time algorithms for the following problems: the Maximum Weight Independent Set problem in long-hole-free graphs, and the Feedback Vertex Set problem in $P_5$-free graphs. Each of the above results resolves a corresponding long-standing open problem. An extended $C_5$ is a five-vertex hole with an additional vertex adjacent to one or two consecutive vertices of the hole. Let $\mathcal{C}$ be the class of graphs excluding an extended $C_5$ and holes of length at least $6$ as induced subgraphs; $\mathcal{C}$ contains all long-hole-free graphs and all $P_5$-free graphs. We show that, given an $n$-vertex graph $G \in \mathcal{C}$ with vertex weights and an integer $k$, one can in time $n^{\Oh(k)}$ find a maximum-weight induced subgraph of $G$ of treewidth less than $k$. This implies both aforementioned results.



图中的洞是长度至少为 4 的诱导循环。如果洞的长度至少为 5,则洞是长的。通过 $P_t$ 我们表示 $t$ 顶点上的路径。在本文中,我们给出了以下问题的多项式时间算法:无长孔图中的最大权重独立集问题,以及无 $P_5$ 图中的反馈顶点集问题。上述每个结果都解决了一个相应的长期存在的开放问题。扩展的 $C_5$ 是一个五顶点孔,其中一个附加顶点与孔的一个或两个连续顶点相邻。令 $\mathcal{C}$ 是不包括扩展的 $C_5$ 和长度至少 $6$ 的孔作为诱导子图的图类;$\mathcal{C}$ 包含所有无长孔图和所有 $P_5$ 无图。我们证明,给定一个带有顶点权重和整数 $k$ 的 $n$-顶点图 $G\in\mathcal{C}$,可以及时找到 $n^{\Oh(k)}$ 的最大权重诱导子图,其中 $G$ 的树宽小于 $k$。这意味着上述两个结果。