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Modelling physical limits of migration by a kinetic model with non-local sensing.
Journal of Mathematical Biology ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-03 , DOI: 10.1007/s00285-020-01479-w
Nadia Loy 1, 2 , Luigi Preziosi 1

Migrating cells choose their preferential direction of motion in response to different signals and stimuli sensed by spanning their external environment. However, the presence of dense fibrous regions, lack of proper substrate, and cell overcrowding may hamper cells from moving in certain directions or even from sensing beyond regions that practically act like physical barriers. We extend the non-local kinetic model proposed by Loy and Preziosi (J Math Biol, 80, 373-421, 2020) to include situations in which the sensing radius is not constant, but depends on position, sensing direction and time as the behaviour of the cell might be determined on the basis of information collected before reaching physically limiting configurations. We analyse how the actual possible sensing of the environment influences the dynamics by recovering the appropriate macroscopic limits and by integrating numerically the kinetic transport equation.



迁移细胞响应于跨越其外部环境而感测到的不同信号和刺激,选择其优先的运动方向。但是,存在密集的纤维区域,缺少适当的基质以及细胞过度拥挤,可能会阻止细胞沿特定方向移动,甚至无法感知超出实际上起到物理屏障作用的区域。我们扩展了Loy和Preziosi(J Math Biol,80,373-421,2020)提出的非局部动力学模型,以包括传感半径不是恒定而是取决于位置,传感方向和时间作为行为的情况可以基于在达到物理限制配置之前所收集的信息来确定小区的长度。