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Relationship between chronic diseases and sleep duration among older adults in Ghana.
Quality of Life Research ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-25 , DOI: 10.1007/s11136-020-02450-4
Jonathan Aseye Nutakor 1 , Baozhen Dai 1 , Alexander Kwame Gavu 2 , Osei-Asibey Antwi 3

PURPOSE Aging increases the prevalence of health problems that are often chronic, resulting in more sleep problems for people with poor health or chronic conditions. Relatively fewer studies have been conducted on the relationship between sleep duration and chronic conditions in Sub-Saharan Africa compared to Western or Asian populations. This study uses a nationally representative sample of older adults in Ghana to examine the association between sleep duration and chronic conditions. METHOD Data were gathered from the World Health Organization Study on Global AGEing and Adult Health (SAGE) Wave 1 in Ghana (n = 3617). Data on duration of sleep and chronic conditions were derived from self-reported data and validated symptom reporting. Multinomial logistic regression was conducted to examine the association between sleep duration and chronic conditions. RESULTS Women had a significantly longer period of sleep than men. Older people (> 60 years) were more likely than people under 60 years old to sleep for longer periods. The prevalence of stroke, depression, and chronic lung disease among long sleepers was high compared with short and medium sleepers. Our study found that respondents with stroke, arthritis, depression, chronic lung disease, asthma, and hypertension were likely to sleep for a long time. CONCLUSION This study showed a significant association between long hours of sleep and chronic conditions. To health professionals, paying particular attention to this association among older adults is medically important.



目的衰老增加了经常为慢性的健康问题的患病率,导致健康状况不佳或慢性病患者的睡眠问题更多。与西方或亚洲人群相比,在撒哈拉以南非洲关于睡眠时间与慢性病之间的关系的研究相对较少。这项研究使用加纳全国有代表性的老年人样本来研究睡眠时间与慢性病之间的关系。方法数据来自世界卫生组织关于加纳的全球老龄化和成人健康(SAGE)第1轮研究(n = 3617)。睡眠时间和慢性病的数据来自自我报告的数据和经过验证的症状报告。进行多项逻辑回归分析以检查睡眠时间与慢性病之间的关系。结果女性的睡眠时间比男性长得多。老年人(> 60岁)比60岁以下的人睡眠时间更长。与中短期睡眠者相比,长时间睡眠者中风,抑郁和慢性肺病的患病率较高。我们的研究发现,患有中风,关节炎,抑郁,慢性肺部疾病,哮喘和高血压的受访者可能会长时间睡眠。结论这项研究表明长时间睡眠与慢性病之间存在显着关联。对于卫生专业人员,在老年人中特别注意这种关联在医学上很重要。结果女性的睡眠时间比男性长得多。老年人(> 60岁)比60岁以下的人睡眠时间更长。与中短睡眠者相比,长睡眠者中风,抑郁和慢性肺病的患病率高。我们的研究发现,患有中风,关节炎,抑郁,慢性肺部疾病,哮喘和高血压的受访者可能会长时间睡眠。结论这项研究表明长时间睡眠与慢性病之间存在显着关联。对于卫生专业人员,在老年人中特别注意这种关联在医学上很重要。结果女性的睡眠时间比男性长得多。老年人(> 60岁)比60岁以下的人睡眠时间更长。与中短期睡眠者相比,长时间睡眠者中风,抑郁和慢性肺病的患病率较高。我们的研究发现,患有中风,关节炎,抑郁,慢性肺部疾病,哮喘和高血压的受访者可能会长时间睡眠。结论这项研究表明长时间睡眠与慢性病之间存在显着关联。对于卫生专业人员,在老年人中特别注意这种关联在医学上很重要。长期睡眠者中的慢性肺疾病与中短期睡眠者相比较高。我们的研究发现,患有中风,关节炎,抑郁,慢性肺部疾病,哮喘和高血压的受访者可能会长时间睡眠。结论这项研究表明长时间睡眠与慢性病之间存在显着关联。对于卫生专业人员,在老年人中特别注意这种关联在医学上很重要。长期睡眠者中的慢性肺疾病与中短期睡眠者相比较高。我们的研究发现,患有中风,关节炎,抑郁,慢性肺部疾病,哮喘和高血压的受访者可能会长时间睡眠。结论这项研究表明长时间睡眠与慢性病之间存在显着关联。对于卫生专业人员,在老年人中特别注意这种关联在医学上很重要。