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Cardiovascular Risk Factor Knowledge and Behaviors Among Low-Income Urban Women in Mysore, India.
Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2020-11-01 , DOI: 10.1097/jcn.0000000000000657
Karl Krupp 1 , Meredith L Wilcox , Arun Srinivas , Vijaya Srinivas , Purnima Madhivanan , Elena Bastida


Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) are the leading causes of death among women globally. Cardiovascular disease–related events are more common in older women compared with men and are more likely to result in death. Although research in high-income countries suggests that women have unique sociobiological CVD risk factors, only a few study authors have examined risk factor knowledge among women from low- and middle-income countries.


The aim of this study was to assess CVD risk factor knowledge among low-income urban Indian women.


A cross-sectional study was conducted among a nonprobability sample of 607 slum-dwelling women, 40 to 64 years old, living in Mysore, India, between October 2017 and May 2018. Participants underwent an interviewer-administered questionnaire measuring demographics, CVD risk factor knowledge, and medical history.


Cardiovascular disease risk factor knowledge was low in this population and was associated with age, education, income, and caste. Approximately half of the participants (47%) answered less than 50% of the questions correctly, and a third had knowledge scores greater than 70%, which we defined as “good knowledge.” Only 4 of 7 traditional CVD risk factors (ie, physical activity, smoking, overweight, and high cholesterol) were recognized by greater than half of the participants. The lowest knowledge levels were among older single women with no education and monthly household incomes less than Rs 3000 (approximately US $42).


Previous research among slum dwellers in India reported a high prevalence of modifiable CVD risk factors compared with more affluent urban peers. Interventions aimed at CVD risk factor knowledge may be an important first step in controlling heart disease in this vulnerable population.




心血管疾病(CVD) 是全球女性死亡的主要原因。与男性相比,与心血管疾病相关的事件在老年女性中更为常见,并且更有可能导致死亡。虽然研究在高收入国家表明,女性有独特的社会生物学的CVD危险因素,只有少数研究人员已经检查危险因素的知识之间的妇女来自低收入和中等收入国家。


本研究的目的是评估印度城市低收入女性对 CVD 风险因素的了解


2017 年 10 月至 2018 年 5 月期间,对居住在印度迈索尔的 60740 至 64 岁贫民窟妇女的非概率样本进行了一项横断面研究。知识和病史。


该人群心血管疾病危险因素的了解较少,并且与年龄、教育程度、收入和种姓有关。大约一半的参与者 (47%) 正确回答了不到 50% 的问题,三分之一的参与者的知识得分高于 70%,我们将其定义为“良好的知识”。超过一半的参与者认识到7 项传统 CVD风险因素(即体育活动、吸烟、超重和高胆固醇)中的 4 项。知识水平最低的是没有受过教育且家庭月收入低于 3000 卢比(约合 42 美元)的老年单身女性


之前对印度贫民窟居民的研究报告称,与更富裕的城市同龄人相比,可改变的 CVD风险因素的流行率很高。针对 CVD 风险因素知识的干预措施可能是在这一脆弱人群中控制心脏病的重要第一步。
