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Evaluation of host-based molecular markers for the early detection of human sepsis.
Journal of Biotechnology ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2020.01.013
Elisabeth Ullrich 1 , Petra Heidinger 2 , Jung Soh 3 , Laura Villanova 4 , Stefan Grabuschnig 4 , Thorsten Bachler 2 , Elisabeth Hirschböck 5 , Sara Sánchez-Heredero 4 , Barry Ford 6 , Maria Sensen 7 , Ingund Rosales Rodriguez 5 , Daniel Schwendenwein 2 , Peter Neumeister 8 , Christoph J Zurl 9 , Robert Krause 10 , Johannes Lorenz Khol 11 , Christoph W Sensen 12

We have identified 24 molecular markers, based on circulating nucleic acids (CNA) originating from the human genome, which in combination can be used in a quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) assay to identify the presence of human sepsis, starting two to three days before the first clinical signs develop and including patients who meet the SEPSIS-3 criteria. The accuracy was more than 87 % inside of the same patient cohort for which the markers were developed and up to 81 % in blind studies of patient cohorts which were not included in the marker development. As our markers are host-based, they can be used to capture bacterial as well as fungal sepsis, unlike the current PCR-based tests, which require species-specific primer sets for each organism causing human sepsis. Our assay directly uses an aliquot of cell-free blood as the substrate for the PCR reaction, thus allowing to obtain the diagnostic results in three to four hours after the collection of the blood samples.


