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Relations among religiosity, age of self-identification as gay, lesbian, or bisexual, and alcohol use among college students.
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors ( IF 4.044 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1037/adb0000559
William R Corbin 1 , Thai Q Ong 1 , Charlie Champion 1 , Kim Fromme 2

Research indicates that lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) youth are at increased risk for heavy drinking relative to their heterosexual peers. One possible contributing factor is that religiosity fails to provide the significant protection for LGB youth that it provides in general population samples. Although prior studies provide some support for this hypothesis, there is little research on the reasons that religiosity may fail to protect against heavy drinking among LGB youth. The current study addressed this question by examining relations among religiosity, age of self-identification as LGB, and alcohol use in a sample of 162 young adults self-identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or questioning. Age of self-identification was conceptualized as an indicator of stress or internal conflict between religious beliefs and self-identification. We hypothesized that higher levels of religiosity would be associated with a later age of identification as LGB, which, in turn, would contribute to heavier drinking. Path analyses conducted in Mplus provided support for this hypothesis, with higher levels of religiosity indirectly contributing to increased alcohol use through later age of self-identification. Whereas additional studies directly assessing stress associated with the self-identification process are needed, the results of this study suggest that religiosity may serve as a risk, rather than protective, factor among LGB youth. The development of religious support groups specifically for LGB youth may help these individuals reconcile their religious beliefs with their emerging sexual identities, thereby allowing them to derive some of the same benefits that heterosexual youth derive from religious beliefs and practices. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2020 APA, all rights reserved).



研究表明,与异性恋同龄人相比,女同性恋、男同性恋和双性恋 (LGB) 青少年酗酒的风险更高。一个可能的影响因素是,宗教信仰未能为 LGB 青年提供像一般人群样本中那样的重要保护。尽管之前的研究为这一假设提供了一些支持,但很少有人研究宗教信仰可能无法防止 LGB 青少年酗酒的原因。目前的研究通过调查宗教信仰、自我认同为 LGB 的年龄和饮酒之间的关系来解决这个问题,样本包括 162 名自认为是女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋或有疑问的年轻人。自我认同的年龄被概念化为宗教信仰和自我认同之间的压力或内部冲突的指标。我们假设,较高程度的宗教信仰与较晚被认定为男女同性恋者的年龄有关,而这反过来又会导致酗酒。Mplus 中进行的路径分析为这一假设提供了支持,较高水平的宗教信仰通过晚年的自我认同间接导致酒精使用量的增加。尽管需要进行更多研究来直接评估与自我认同过程相关的压力,但这项研究的结果表明,宗教信仰可能是 LGB 青少年的风险因素,而不是保护因素。专门针对 LGB 青年的宗教支持团体的发展可能会帮助这些人调和他们的宗教信仰与新出现的性身份,从而使他们能够获得异性恋青年从宗教信仰和实践中获得的一些相同的好处。(PsycINFO 数据库记录 (c) 2020 APA,保留所有权利)。