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Practical recommendations for critical care and anesthesiology teams caring for novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) patients.
Canadian Journal of Anesthesia ( IF 4.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s12630-020-01591-x
Randy S Wax 1, 2, 3 , Michael D Christian 4

A global health emergency has been declared by the World Health Organization as the 2019-nCoV outbreak spreads across the world, with confirmed patients in Canada. Patients infected with 2019-nCoV are at risk for developing respiratory failure and requiring admission to critical care units. While providing optimal treatment for these patients, careful execution of infection control measures is necessary to prevent nosocomial transmission to other patients and to healthcare workers providing care. Although the exact mechanisms of transmission are currently unclear, human-to-human transmission can occur, and the risk of airborne spread during aerosol-generating medical procedures remains a concern in specific circumstances. This paper summarizes important considerations regarding patient screening, environmental controls, personal protective equipment, resuscitation measures (including intubation), and critical care unit operations planning as we prepare for the possibility of new imported cases or local outbreaks of 2019-nCoV. Although understanding of the 2019-nCoV virus is evolving, lessons learned from prior infectious disease challenges such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome will hopefully improve our state of readiness regardless of the number of cases we eventually manage in Canada.


对护理新型冠状病毒 (2019-nCoV) 患者的重症监护和麻醉团队的实用建议。

随着 2019-nCoV 疫情在世界范围内蔓延,加拿大已确诊患者,世界卫生组织已宣布全球卫生紧急情况。感染 2019-nCoV 的患者有发生呼吸衰竭并需要入住重症监护病房的风险。在为这些患者提供最佳治疗的同时,必须谨慎执行感染控制措施,以防止院内传播给其他患者和提供护理的医护人员。尽管目前尚不清楚确切的传播机制,但可能会发生人与人之间的传播,并且在特定情况下,在产生气溶胶的医疗程序中空气传播的风险仍然是一个值得关注的问题。本文总结了有关患者筛查、环境控制、个人防护设备、复苏措施(包括插管)和重症监护室运营计划,因为我们为新的输入病例或 2019-nCoV 本地爆发的可能性做准备。尽管对 2019-nCoV 病毒的理解在不断发展,但无论我们最终在加拿大处理多少病例,从严重急性呼吸系统综合症等先前传染病挑战中吸取的经验教训都有望改善我们的准备状态。