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Morphological and Molecular Characterisation of Myxidium kudoi Meglitsch, 1937 from the Blue Catfish Ictalurus furcatus, Valenciennes in Oklahoma, USA.
Acta Parasitologica ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-12 , DOI: 10.2478/s11686-020-00172-8
Ethan T Woodyard 1 , Thomas G Rosser 2 , Chris T McAllister 3


Myxidium kudoi Meglitsch, 1937 has been described from the type host, blue catfish Ictalurus furcatus, with no additional host records or molecular data available for this species.


To provide molecular data and a novel host locality for this species and carry out phylogenetic analyses to infer the evolutionary relationship of the species to other members of the family Myxidiidae for which DNA sequence data is available.


These data were collected using myxospores from the gallbladder of a blue catfish, Ictalurus furcatus collected from Lake Texoma, Oklahoma, USA. Myxospores were morphologically consistent with the only other account of this species and not any other Myxidium species described from siluriform fishes.


Myxospores were oblong with rounded ends and were 10.8–12.6 (11.6 ± 0.5) µm in length and 4.7–6.6 (5.7 ± 0.5) µm in width. Polar capsules were subspherical and 2.7–3.9 (3.4 ± 0.3) µm in length and 2.4–3.5 (3.1 ± 0.3) µm in diameter, with each capsule containing a polar filament with 3–4 coils. Molecular data consisted of a 2918-bp sequence of the partial 18S, complete ITS1, 5.8S, ITS2, and partial 28S ribosomal rRNA regions as well as a 2455-bp sequence of partial 28S ribosomal RNA. The partial 18S and 28S data was used in a concatenated Bayesian phylogenetic analysis to further infer the evolutionary relationships of the Myxidiidae. Additionally, the partial 18S data was used in a separate phylogenetic analysis.


The present work reports novel morphological and molecular data for Myxidium kudoi as well as a novel locality of occurrence for this species. In concatenated phylogenetic analysis using 18S and 28S data and other molecular data from Myxozoa, M. kudoi grouped with other freshwater Myxidiidae. In the single-locus, 18S analysis, M. kudoi grouped with Myxidium rhodei from Rutilus rutilus and Myxidium amazonense from Corydoras melini, the only other Myxidium species of catfish for which molecular data are available.


来自美国俄克拉荷马州瓦伦谢纳的蓝Cat鱼Ictalurus furcatus的Kudoi Meglitsch Myxidium kudoi Meglitsch,1937年的形态和分子特征。


已经从类型寄主蓝cat鱼Ictalurus furcatus中描述了Myxidium kudoi Meglitsch,1937年,没有该物种的其他寄主记录或分子数据。




这些数据是使用从美国俄克拉荷马州特克斯马湖收集的蓝cat鱼(Ictalurus furcatus)的胆囊中的粘孢子收集的。粘孢子与唯一的其他帐户这个物种,而不是任何其他形态一致Myxidium从siluriform鱼类物种描述。




目前的工作报告了新的形态学和分子数据的工藤Myxidium以及该物种的新出现的地方。在使用18S和28S数据以及Myxozoa的其他分子数据进行的系统发育分析中,M。kudoi与其他淡水Myxidiidae一起分组。在单基因座18S分析中,库氏摩根氏菌与来自Rutilus rut​​ilus的Rhodei的Myxidium Rhodei和来自Corydoras melini的Amazonense的Myxidium amazonense分组,这是仅有的其他可获得分子数据的My鱼的Myxidium物种。