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New data about home range and movements of Oligoryzomys flavescens (Rodentia: Cricetidae) help to understand the spread and transmission of Andes virus that causes Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome.
Zoonoses and Public Health ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-07 , DOI: 10.1111/zph.12690
Malena Maroli 1, 2 , Belén Crosignani 3 , Carlos I Piña 1, 2 , Rocío Coelho 4 , Valeria P Martínez 4 , Isabel Elisa Gómez Villafañe 5

Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome is an emerging infectious disease caused by viruses of the genus Orthohantavirus. The rodent Oligoryzomys flavescens is distributed along four countries of South America. In Argentina, O. flavescens acts as a reservoir of three genotypes of ANDV orthohantavirus. The aims of this work were to estimate home range size and movements-with spool-and-line and radiotelemetry-of infected and non-infected O. flavescens in order to understand the spread and transmission of the virus. O. flavescens use a wide area to satisfice its requirements, reaching a home range of 1.82 ha during spring. Orthohantavirus infection did not change the behaviour of individuals. We observed a great overlapping in the home range of infected and non-infected individuals resulting in a high probability of virus dispersion on rodent population. These results show that human health risks could be high on island environments and knowledge about the movement ecology of O. flavescens provides useful information on prevention.



汉坦病毒性肺综合征是由正汉坦病毒属病毒引起的一种新兴传染病。啮齿动物Oligoryzomys flavescens分布在南美的四个国家。在阿根廷,flavescens充当ANDV正汉塔病毒的三种基因型的库。这项工作的目的是通过感染和未感染的黄萎病菌的线轴,线和射电遥测来估计家庭范围的大小和活动,以便了解该病毒的传播和传播。flavescens使用宽阔的面积来满足其需求,春季时的家园范围达到1.82公顷。正汉坦病毒感染并没有改变个体的行为。我们观察到感染和未感染个体的家庭范围存在很大的重叠,导致病毒在啮齿动物种群上扩散的可能性很高。