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Proposal of the 3O (Obstruction, Ureteric Orifice, and Outcome) Subclassification System Associated with Obstructed Hemivagina and Ipsilateral Renal Anomaly (OHVIRA).
Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-10 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jpag.2020.01.001
Junjie Zhang 1 , Mengda Zhang 2 , Yu Zhang 3 , Huining Liu 3 , Peng Yuan 1 , Xiaoyan Peng 4 , Zhenzhen Cao 5 , Long Wang 2

STUDY OBJECTIVE To propose a "3O" (obstruction, ureteric orifice, and outcome) subclassification system associated with obstructed hemivagina and ipsilateral renal anomaly (OHVIRA). DESIGN Retrospective case series. SETTING Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, Hunan, China. PARTICIPANTS A total of 26 women with obstructed hemivagina and ipsilateral renal anomaly (OHVIRA) over a 9-year period. INTERVENTIONS Not applicable. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES In all cases, the obstruction, ureteric orifice, outcome and surgical strategy were reviewed. RESULTS In our study, the "obstruction" category included 14 cases of blind hemivagina, 8 cases of buttonhole septum, 3 cases of cervical fistula, and 1 case of cervical atresia. A total of 25 patients with vaginal obstruction underwent resection of the vaginal septum. The patient with cervical atresia underwent a failed cervicoplasty, followed by hemi-hysterectomy. The "ureteric orifice" category included 24 cases of absent ureter with no orifice, as well as 2 cases of ureteric orifice emptying into the obstructed hemivagina. The 2 patients were treated with laparoscopic extirpation of the ectopic ureter and renal moiety. Regarding the "outcome" category, 5 patients with severe recurrent hematometra, hematosalpinx, and ovarian endometrioma underwent hemi-hysterectomy, salpingectomy, and cystectomy of the ovarian endometrioma. Both patients (1 with a septate uterus and 1 with a bicornuate uterus) who experienced recurrent abortion accepted uterine correction. CONCLUSION We provide new insights into the anatomical variants of this rare syndrome with the relevant surgical implications. Magnetic resonance imaging is the most useful tool in 3O diagnosis.



目的:提出与梗阻性偏瘫和同侧肾脏异常(OHVIRA)相关的“ 3O”(梗阻,输尿管口和结局)分类系统。设计回顾案系列。单位:中南大学湘雅医院,湖南长沙 参与者在9年的时间里,共有26例患有半水肿和同侧肾脏异常(OHVIRA)阻塞的女性。干预措施不适用。主要观察指标在所有情况下,均应检查梗阻,输尿管口,结局和手术策略。结果在我们的研究中,“梗阻”类别包括14例盲半盲,8例纽孔间隔,3例宫颈瘘和1例宫颈闭锁。共有25例阴道阻塞患者接受了阴道中隔切除术。宫颈闭锁患者接受了失败的宫颈成形术,随后进行了半子宫切除术。“输尿管口”类别包括24例无输尿管而无孔的输尿管病例,以及2例输尿管口排空到阻塞性半月板的病例。2例患者均经腹腔镜切除异位输尿管和肾部分。对于“结果”类别,有5例重度复发的血肿,血红蛋白和卵巢子宫内膜瘤患者接受了半子宫切除术,输卵管切除术和卵巢子宫内膜瘤的膀胱切除术。均经历了反复流产的两名患者(1例有子宫分隔的子宫和1例有双角子宫的子宫)接受了子宫矫正。结论我们为这种罕见综合征的解剖变异提供了新的见解,并具有相关的手术意义。