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A systematic review and meta-analysis of the gonadotoxic effects of cyclophosphamide and benefits of gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists (GnRHa) in women of child-bearing age with autoimmune rheumatic disease.
Expert Review of Clinical Immunology ( IF 4.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-16 , DOI: 10.1080/1744666x.2020.1724091
Shi-Nan Luong 1, 2, 3 , Anthony Isaacs 1 , Zhixin Liu 4 , Fang E Sin 1 , Ian Giles 1, 2

Objectives: To systematically review the risk of sustained amenorrhoea with intravenous (IV) cyclophosphamide in autoimmune rheumatic disease (ARD), and evaluate the efficacy of gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists (GnRHa) to reduce this risk.Methods: Systematic search for papers reporting the incidence of sustained amenorrhoea ≥ 12 months in ARD following: IV cyclophosphamide; or GnRHa and IV cyclophosphamide compared to IV cyclophosphamide alone.Results: From 31 articles and 1388 patients with a mean age of 27.7 years, sustained amenorrhoea occurred in 273 patients (19.7%). Of 56 patients (mean age range 23.9-25.6 years) receiving GnRHa and IV cyclophosphamide, and 37 controls (mean age range 25-30.1 years) given IV cyclophosphamide only, sustained amenorrhoea occurred in 2/56 (3.6%) patients treated with GnRHa, compared to 15/37 (40.5%) controls. Pooled odds ratio of sustained amenorrhoea with GnRHa and cyclophosphamide versus cyclophosphamide alone was 0.054 (95% CI 0.0115-0.2576 p<0.001), corresponding to a number needed to treat of 2.7 (95% CI 1.955-4.388) and absolute risk reduction of 36.95% (95% CI 35.6-38.4%).Conclusion: Sustained amenorrhoea with IV cyclophosphamide was observed in patients with ARD, especially with increasing age and cumulative doses >5g. GnRHa reduced this risk and should be considered with IV cyclophosphamide in women of childbearing age with ARD.



目的:系统评价自身免疫性风湿性疾病(ARD)中静脉内(IV)环磷酰胺持续闭经的风险,并评估促性腺激素释放激素激动剂(GnRHa)降低该风险的方法。 ARD持续性闭经≥12个月的患者:IV环磷酰胺;结果:从31篇文章和1388例平均年龄为27.7岁的患者中,有273例患者出现持续性闭经(19.7%)。在接受GnRHa和IV环磷酰胺治疗的56名患者(平均年龄范围23.9-25.6岁)和仅接受IV环磷酰胺治疗的37名对照(平均年龄范围25-30.1岁)中,接受GnRHa治疗的2/56(3.6%)患者出现持续闭经,与15/37(40。5%)控件。持续性闭经与GnRHa和环磷酰胺相比单独使用环磷酰胺的合并优势比为0.054(95%CI 0.0115-0.2576 p <0.001),对应于需要治疗的2.7(95%CI 1.955-4.388)和绝对风险降低36.95结论(95%CI 35.6-38.4%)。结论:ARD患者患有持续性闭经与IV环磷酰胺,尤其是随着年龄的增长和累积剂量> 5g。GnRHa降低了这种风险,育龄期ARD的妇女应考虑使用IV环磷酰胺。在ARD患者中观察到IV环磷酰胺持续闭经,尤其是随着年龄的增长和累积剂量> 5g。GnRHa降低了这种风险,育龄期ARD的妇女应考虑使用IV环磷酰胺。在ARD患者中观察到IV环磷酰胺持续闭经,尤其是随着年龄的增长和累积剂量> 5g。GnRHa降低了这种风险,育龄期ARD的妇女应考虑使用IV环磷酰胺。