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Nutrition self-efficacy assessment: designing and psychometric evaluation in a community-dwelling elderly population.
Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-03 , DOI: 10.1186/s41043-019-0203-3
Abbas Shamsalinia 1 , Reza Ghadimi 2 , Razieh Torabi Chafjiri 3 , Faezeh Norouzinejad 1 , Ali Pourhabib 4 , Fatemeh Ghaffari 1

BACKGROUND Awareness of nutrition self-efficacy dimensions can enable healthcare providers to guide their use in screening and providing a context for positive changes such as in promoting a healthy lifestyle and quality care among elderly people. OBJECTIVES Developing an instrument for assessing nutrition self-efficacy among Iranian elderly population. METHODS A sequential mixed exploratory design was applied to clarify and determine dimensions of nutrition self-efficacy in a community-dwelling elderly population in two phases. The first phase included a related literature review and a qualitative study. The validity and reliability of the tool were investigated in the second phase. The instrument's content validity was assessed by experts in nutrition self-efficacy's field and reliability was determined by internal consistency and construct reliability. RESULTS Three factors (adherence efficacy, preventive behaviors, and information effectiveness) and 29 items were obtained after assessing the face, content, and construct validity. The reliability of the nutrition self-efficacy questionnaire (NSEQ) exceeded α > 0.7. Concerning the cumulative percent of the variance, the three factors determined 64.05% of the total variance. CONCLUSIONS The NSEQ designed in this study, using the background experiences of the elderly living in the community and a review of related texts, and has acceptable reliability and validity. However, the diet self-efficacy questionnaire cannot yet be used as a gold standard, but it can be recommended for use as a measurement of individual diet self-efficacy in a community-dwelling elderly population.



背景技术对营养自我效能维度的认识可以使医疗保健提供者能够指导其在筛查中的使用,并为积极的变化提供背景,例如促进老年人的健康生活方式和优质护理。目标 开发一种评估伊朗老年人营养自我效能的工具。方法采用序贯混合探索性设计,分两个阶段阐明和确定社区老年人群营养自我效能的维度。第一阶段包括相关文献综述和定性研究。第二阶段对该工具的有效性和可靠性进行了研究。该工具的内容效度由营养自我效能领域的专家评估,可靠性由内部一致性和结构信度确定。结果通过评估表面效度、内容效度和结构效度,得到三个因素(依从效能、预防行为和信息有效性)和29个项目。营养自我效能问卷(NSEQ)的信度超过α>0.7。就方差的累积百分比而言,这三个因素决定了总方差的64.05%。结论本研究设计的NSEQ,利用社区老年人的背景经验并查阅相关文献,具有可接受的信度和效度。然而,饮食自我效能问卷尚不能作为金标准,但可以推荐用于社区老年人群个体饮食自我效能的测量。