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Evaluation of soil metal sorption characteristics and heavy metal extractive ability of indigenous plant species in Abeokuta, Nigeria.
International Journal of Phytoremediation ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-29 , DOI: 10.1080/15226514.2020.1717433
J O Azeez 1 , T B Olowoboko 1 , B S Bada 2 , J N Odedina 3 , O O Onasanya 1

Heavy metals sorption behavior and phytoremediative potentials of 14 indigenous tropical plants were evaluated with EDTA and Urea as amendments. Order of preferential sorption of metals are: Pb > Cu > Zn > Cd. In competitive sorption, Pb sorption was increased by 4.98, Cu by 4.24, Zn by 1.40, and Cd by −6 units, implying potential Cd pollution. Order of plants’ dry matter accumulation was: Panicum maximum > Zea mays > Amaranthus cruentus > Vetiveria zizanoides > Andropogon tectorum > Tithonia diversifolia > Ocimum gratissimum. Andropogon tectorum and O. gratissimum preferentially translocate Cu and Zn, while V. zizanoides and Z. mays translocated Zn, Cu, and Pb. Amaranthus cruentus, P. maximum, and T. diversifolia preferentially translocated Cu, Pb, Cd, and Zn. The plants are preferentially enriched in Cu and Zn, Pb was selected by P. maximum, T. diversifolia and V. zizanoides. Urea and EDTA enhanced the metal uptake in the plants by 130% and 145%, respectively. Tolerance index (TI) of the plants were reduced by the amendments except in A. tectorum, P. maximum, V. zizanoides, and Z. mays. Amaranthus spinosus, Cassia occidentalis, Pennisetum purpureum, Chromolena odorata, Hibiscus sabdariffa, Hibiscus cannabinus, and Cochorus olitorus could not tolerate the metals.



用EDTA和尿素作为修正剂对14种本土热带植物的重金属吸附行为和植物修复潜力进行了评估。金属优先吸附的顺序为:Pb> Cu> Zn> Cd。在竞争性吸附中,Pb吸附增加了4.98,Cu增加了4.24,Zn增加了1.40,Cd增加了-6个单位,这意味着潜在的Cd污染。植物的干物质积累的顺序为: > 玉米>苋cruentus >香根草zizanoides >须芒草tectorum >肿柄菊 > 丁香罗勒。拟南芥牛膝草优先转移铜和锌,而V. zizanoidesZ. mays易位的Zn,Cu和Pb。mar菜最大体育T. diversifolia优先易位Cu,Pb,Cd和Zn。将植物在Cu和Zn优先富集,铅被选择P.最大T. diversifoliaV. zizanoides。尿素和EDTA分别使植物中的金属吸收量增加了130%和145%。植物的耐受性指数(TI)是由降低的修正除了在A. tectorumP.最大V. zizanoides,玉蜀黍mar菜,决明子,青草狼尾草,香波菌,芙蓉木槿,芙蓉大麻少油古菌都不能耐受这些金属。
