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Resilience, Coloniality, and Sovereign Acts: The Role of Community Activism.
American Journal of Community Psychology ( IF 4.019 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-16 , DOI: 10.1002/ajcp.12415
Irma Serrano-García 1

Puerto Rico has been a U.S. colony since 1898. For the past decades, it has been mired in public debt, social problems, and ineffective and corrupt governance. In 2017, the island was hit by hurricanes which devastated our country. After the event, the term "resilience" became ubiquitous. Labeling Puerto Ricans' capacity to tolerate misfortune and suffering "resilient" gave people a false sense of hope and offered government a pretext to postpone or inequitably dispense aid. So-called "resilience" also allowed Puerto Ricans to avoid the impact of colonialism and coloniality on pre-existing conditions which hurricanes accentuated. In this context, community activism played a major role. Community organizations initially provided aid and generated chains of solidarity. They initiated "sovereign acts" which are mostly guided by principles and values espoused by community psychology. Thus, we have a duty to contribute to efforts which can promote liberating our island from colonialism and coloniality.



自1898年以来,波多黎各一直是美国的殖民地。在过去的几十年中,波多黎各陷入了公共债务,社会问题以及无效和腐败的治理之中。2017年,该岛遭受飓风袭击,摧毁了我们的国家。事件之后,“弹性”一词无处不在。给波多黎各人容忍不幸和遭受“韧性”的能力贴上标签,给人们一种虚假的希望感,并为政府提供了推迟或不公平地分配援助的借口。所谓的“复原力”还使波多黎各人能够避免殖民主义和殖民主义对飓风加剧的既存条件的影响。在这种情况下,社区行动主义起了主要作用。社区组织最初提供了援助并建立了团结链。他们发起了“主权行为” 这些原则主要以社区心理学所拥护的原则和价值观为指导。因此,我们有义务为能够促进我们的岛屿摆脱殖民主义和殖民主义的努力作出贡献。