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Evaluating approaches to marketing cognitive behavioral therapy: does evidence matter to consumers?
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy ( IF 3.928 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-10 , DOI: 10.1080/16506073.2019.1682654
Casey A Schofield 1 , Gabriella T Ponzini 2 , Sara J Becker 3

ABSTRACT Direct-to-consumer marketing initiatives may improve utilization of evidence-based therapy. An important decision in such marketing efforts is how to effectively present scientific evidence supporting these treatments to potential consumers (if at all). This OSF preregistered study experimentally tested whether the language used to describe research evidence supporting cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for anxiety disorders affected consumer treatment attitudes and intentions. Adult participants (N = 303) recruited via mTurk were first assessed for their understanding of the term “evidence-based.” They were then randomized to read a description of CBT employing either: formal research language (e.g., “large-scale clinical trials have demonstrated…”), informal language about research support derived from prior qualitative work (e.g., “people have better results…”), or no information about research. Perceptions of CBT (including credibility and expectancy) and likelihood of pursuing CBT (pull demand) were assessed. Results indicated that only half the sample understood the meaning of the term “evidence-based.” The conditions that discussed research support outperformed the control condition on CBT perceptions, credibility, general expectancies, and perceived effectiveness. Post-hoc comparisons provided some evidence that qualitatively-derived language was more effective than formal research language for promoting positive perceptions of CBT. Implications for marketing content are discussed.



摘要 直接面向消费者的营销举措可能会提高循证疗法的利用率。这种营销工作的一个重要决定是如何向潜在消费者(如果有的话)有效地提供支持这些治疗的科学证据。这项 OSF 预注册研究通过实验测试了用于描述支持认知行为疗法 (CBT) 焦虑症的研究证据的语言是否会影响消费者的治疗态度和意图。首先评估通过 mTurk 招募的成人参与者(N = 303)对“基于证据”一词的理解。然后他们被随机阅读关于 CBT 使用的描述:正式的研究语言(例如,“大规模临床试验已经证明......”),关于来自先前定性工作的研究支持的非正式语言(例如,“人们有更好的结果……”),或者没有关于研究的信息。评估了对 CBT 的看法(包括可信度和预期)和追求 CBT(拉动需求)的可能性。结果表明,只有一半的样本理解“基于证据”一词的含义。讨论研究支持的条件在 CBT 感知、可信度、一般期望和感知有效性方面优于控制条件。事后比较提供了一些证据,表明在促进对 CBT 的积极看法方面,定性衍生语言比正式研究语言更有效。讨论了对营销内容的影响。结果表明,只有一半的样本理解“基于证据”一词的含义。讨论研究支持的条件在 CBT 感知、可信度、一般期望和感知有效性方面优于控制条件。事后比较提供了一些证据,表明在促进对 CBT 的积极看法方面,定性衍生语言比正式研究语言更有效。讨论了对营销内容的影响。结果表明,只有一半的样本理解“基于证据”一词的含义。讨论研究支持的条件在 CBT 感知、可信度、一般期望和感知有效性方面优于控制条件。事后比较提供了一些证据,表明在促进对 CBT 的积极看法方面,定性衍生语言比正式研究语言更有效。讨论了对营销内容的影响。事后比较提供了一些证据,表明在促进对 CBT 的积极看法方面,定性衍生语言比正式研究语言更有效。讨论了对营销内容的影响。事后比较提供了一些证据,表明在促进对 CBT 的积极看法方面,定性衍生语言比正式研究语言更有效。讨论了对营销内容的影响。