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Delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals through long-term infrastructure planning
Global Environmental Change ( IF 8.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-07 , DOI: 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2019.101975
Daniel Adshead , Scott Thacker , Lena I. Fuldauer , Jim W. Hall

Through the provision of a range of essential services, infrastructure systems profoundly influence development. At a time of increasing global investment in infrastructure, there is a need to support practitioners in making informed choices in order to achieve progress toward sustainable development objectives. Using the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (the SDGs) as a framework to structure infrastructure decision-making and trade-offs, this analysis develops a performance indicator system that assesses the potential development implications of a portfolio of infrastructure investments and policies. We develop metrics to assess the performance of infrastructure-linked targets. We then embed these metrics in a systems model that allows for the quantification of future infrastructure needs and the assessment of portfolios of infrastructure investments and policies that contribute to meeting these needs. These methods are applied to the small-island country of Curaçao, demonstrating the potential for meeting the SDGs through adoption of strategies of cross-sectoral infrastructure investments and policies in the energy, water, wastewater and solid waste sectors. In the face of growing demands for infrastructure services, we find that inaction with regard to infrastructure supply and demand will lead to a 28% decrease in average SDG achievement across these targets by 2030. We assemble a portfolio of interventions that provide infrastructure services across these four sectors that enable achievement of 19 SDG targets directly linked to infrastructure. These interventions imply scaling up of infrastructure where there are gaps in service provision, ranging from an overall 10% increase in the water sector to a 368% increase in waste sector infrastructure from current capacities by 2030. Achieving the SDGs does not necessarily imply more infrastructure: in the energy sector the sustainable policy implies demand reductions of 32% from current levels. Nearly 50% of the assessed targets require intervention in more than one sector, emphasising the interdependent nature of the infrastructure system. The analysis addresses future uncertainties around the key drivers of residential population and tourism growth on the island by modelling infrastructure needs for alternate scenario projections. Averaged across the four sectors, these needs range from −14% (low) to +5% (high) in relation to the moderate projection. The analysis provides the first step towards a practical means of utilising infrastructure to deliver the SDGs, using quantitative indicators to underpin effective decision-making.



通过提供一系列基本服务,基础设施系统会深刻影响发展。在全球基础设施投资不断增加的时代,有必要支持从业人员做出明智的选择,以实现朝着可持续发展目标的进步。该分析以《 2030年可持续发展议程》为基础架构决策和权衡结构的框架,建立了绩效指标体系,用于评估基础设施投资和政策组合对发展的潜在影响。我们制定指标以评估与基础架构相关的目标的绩效。然后,我们将这些指标嵌入系统模型中,该模型可以量化未来的基础设施需求,并评估有助于满足这些需求的基础设施投资和政策的投资组合。这些方法适用于库拉索岛的小岛国,展示了通过采用跨部门基础设施投资战略以及能源,水,废水和固体废物部门的政策来实现可持续发展目标的潜力。面对对基础设施服务的需求不断增长的情况,我们发现,到2030年,在这些目标方面,基础设施供需方面的不作为将导致SDG的平均成绩下降28%。我们汇总了一系列干预措施,为这四个部门提供基础设施服务,从而实现了与基础设施直接相关的19个SDG目标。这些干预措施意味着在服务供应存在差距的情况下扩大基础设施,从到2030年水务部门的总体容量增加10%,到废物部门基础设施的368%的增加(到2030年)。实现可持续发展目标并不一定意味着更多基础设施:在能源领域,可持续政策意味着需求比当前水平减少32%。近50%的评估目标需要在多个部门进行干预,强调了基础架构系统的相互依存性。该分析通过对基础设施需求进行建模以替代情景预测,从而解决了岛上居民人口和旅游业增长的主要驱动因素的未来不确定性。与中度预测相比,这四个部门的平均需求量介于-14%(低)至+ 5%(高)之间。该分析为利用基础设施交付可持续发展目标,使用定量指标来支持有效决策的实用手段迈出了第一步。
