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Natural population variability may be masking the more-individuals hypothesis
Ecology ( IF 4.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3035
Grant L Vagle 1, 2 , Christy M McCain 1, 3

Species richness and productivity are correlated at global and regional scales, but the mechanisms linking them are inconclusive. The most commonly invoked mechanism, the more-individuals hypothesis (MIH), hypothesizes that increased productivity leads to increased food resource availability which leads to an increased number of individuals supporting more species. Empirical evidence for the MIH remains mixed despite a substantial literature. Here we used simulations to determine whether inter-annual population variability could be masking a 'true' MIH relationship. In each simulation, fixed linear relationships between productivity, richness, and 50-year average abundance mimicked the MIH mechanism. Abundance was allowed to vary annually and sampled for 1-40 years. Linear regressions of richness on sampled abundance assessed the probability of detecting the fixed MIH relationship. Medium to high population variability with short-term sampling (1-3 years) led to poor detection of the fixed MIH relationship. Notably, this level of sampling and population variability describes nearly all MIH studies to date. Long-term sampling (5+ years) led to improved detection of the fixed relationship, thus it is necessary to reliably detect support for the MIH. Such sampling duration is non-existent in the MIH literature. Robust future studies of the MIH necessitate consideration of inter-annual population variability.



物种丰富度和生产力在全球和区域范围内是相关的,但将它们联系起来的机制尚无定论。最常见的机制是更多个体假设 (MIH),它假设生产力的提高会导致食物资源可用性的增加,从而导致支持更多物种的个体数量增加。尽管有大量文献,但 MIH 的经验证据仍然喜忧参半。在这里,我们使用模拟来确定年际人口变异是否会掩盖“真实”的 MIH 关系。在每次模拟中,生产力、丰富度和 50 年平均丰度之间的固定线性关系模仿了 MIH 机制。允许丰度每年变化并采样 1-40 年。丰富度对采样丰度的线性回归评估了检测固定 MIH 关系的概率。短期抽样(1-3 年)的中到高人口变异性导致对固定 MIH 关系的检测不佳。值得注意的是,这种抽样水平和人口变异性几乎描述了迄今为止所有的 MIH 研究。长期抽样(5 年以上)改进了对固定关系的检测,因此有必要可靠地检测对 MIH 的支持。这种采样持续时间在 MIH 文献中是不存在的。MIH 的稳健未来研究需要考虑年际人口变异性。这种抽样水平和人口变异性几乎描述了迄今为止所有的 MIH 研究。长期抽样(5 年以上)改进了对固定关系的检测,因此有必要可靠地检测对 MIH 的支持。这种采样持续时间在 MIH 文献中是不存在的。MIH 的稳健未来研究需要考虑年际人口变异性。这种抽样水平和人口变异性几乎描述了迄今为止所有的 MIH 研究。长期抽样(5 年以上)改进了对固定关系的检测,因此有必要可靠地检测对 MIH 的支持。这种采样持续时间在 MIH 文献中是不存在的。MIH 的稳健未来研究需要考虑年际人口变异性。