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Quantitative proteomics to study aging in rabbit liver.
Mechanisms of Ageing and Development ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mad.2020.111227
Bushra Amin 1 , Katarena I Ford 2 , Renã A S Robinson 2

Aging globally effects cellular and organismal metabolism across a range of mammalian species, including humans and rabbits. Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus are an attractive model system of aging due to their genetic similarity with humans and their short lifespans. This model can be used to understand metabolic changes in aging especially in major organs such as liver where we detected pronounced variations in fat metabolism, mitochondrial dysfunction, and protein degradation. Such changes in the liver are consistent across several mammalian species however in rabbits the downstream effects of these changes have not yet been explored. We have applied proteomics to study changes in the liver proteins from young, middle, and old age rabbits using a multiplexing cPILOT strategy. This resulted in the identification of 2,586 liver proteins, among which 45 proteins had significant p < 0.05) changes with aging. Seven proteins were differentially-expressed at all ages and include fatty acid binding protein, aldehyde dehydrogenase, enoyl-CoA hydratase, 3-hydroxyacyl CoA dehydrogenase, apolipoprotein C3, peroxisomal sarcosine oxidase, adhesion G-protein coupled receptor, and glutamate ionotropic receptor kinate. Insights to how alterations in metabolism affect protein expression in liver have been gained and demonstrate the utility of rabbit as a model of aging.



全球老龄化影响包括人类和兔子在内的一系列哺乳动物物种的细胞和生物代谢。由于兔与人之间的遗传相似性以及寿命短,因此兔uni是一个有吸引力的衰老模型系统。该模型可用于了解衰老的代谢变化,尤其是在肝脏等主要器官中,我们检测到了脂肪代谢的明显变化,线粒体功能障碍和蛋白质降解。几种哺乳动物在肝脏中的这种变化是一致的,但是在兔子中尚未探索这些变化的下游影响。我们已经应用蛋白质组学研究了年轻,中年和中年人肝脏蛋白质的变化。使用多重cPILOT策略的高龄兔,鉴定出2586种肝蛋白,其中有45种蛋白质的衰老具有显着的p <0.05)变化。七种蛋白质在各个年龄段均差异表达,包括脂肪酸结合蛋白,醛脱氢酶,烯酰辅酶A水合酶,3-羟酰基辅酶A脱氢酶,载脂蛋白C3,过氧化物酶体肌氨酸氧化酶,粘附性G蛋白偶联受体和谷氨酸离子性受体激酶。已经获得了对代谢变化如何影响肝脏蛋白质表达的见解,并证明了兔子作为衰老模型的效用。和谷氨酸离子受体激酶。已经获得了对代谢变化如何影响肝脏蛋白质表达的见解,并证明了兔子作为衰老模型的效用。和谷氨酸离子受体激酶。已经获得了对代谢变化如何影响肝脏蛋白质表达的见解,并证明了兔子作为衰老模型的效用。