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Near real-time estimation of Sea and Land surface temperature for MSG SEVIRI sensors
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation ( IF 7.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2020.102096
José A. Sobrino , Yves Julien , Juan-Carlos Jiménez-Muñoz , Drazen Skokovic , Guillem Sòria

Land and Sea Surface Temperatures (LST and SST) are both recognized as Essential Climate Variables, and are routinely retrieved by a wealth of satellites. However, for validated approaches, the latest data are usually not available to the general public. We offer to bridge this gap, by using Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI), with its 15 min temporal resolution. Here, we present generic algorithms for the retrieval of both LST and SST, valid for the SEVIRI instrument onboard MSG platforms 8–11, which we validate using hourly data of 4 ground stations and 11 buoys in Spain over the years 2015 to 2018. These validations show that in the best conditions of surface homogeneity (cloud-free summer nights), errors in our LST estimation are below 1.5 K for stations with good thermal homogeneity. Comparison with LSA-SAF (Land Surface Analysis - Satellite Application Facility) LST shows differences below 2 K for most of SEVIRI disk, with higher differences in arid areas and during daytime. As for SST retrieval, the average error amount to 0.67 K for cloud-free buoy data. These algorithms have been implemented in a near-real time processing chain, which provide actualized LST and SST maps every 15 min within 5 min of image reception. These maps, along with other products, can be freely consulted from a dedicated webpage (https://www.uv.es/iplsat).


MSG SEVIRI传感器近海和陆地表面温度的实时估计

陆地和海洋表面温度(LST和SST)都被认为是基本气候变量,通常会通过大量卫星进行检索。但是,对于经过验证的方法,通常无法向公众提供最新数据。我们提供通过使用15分钟时间分辨率的Meteosat第二代(MSG)旋转增强型可见光和红外成像仪(SEVIRI)来弥合这一差距。在这里,我们介绍了用于LST和SST检索的通用算法,这些算法对MSG平台8-11上的SEVIRI仪器有效,我们使用2015年至2018年期间西班牙4个地面站和11个浮标的每小时数据进行了验证。验证表明,在具有最佳表面均匀性的条件下(无云的夏夜),对于具有良好热均匀性的站点,我们的LST估计误差低于1.5K。与LSA-SAF(陆地表面分析-卫星应用设施)的比较LST显示,大多数SEVIRI磁盘的差异在2 K以下,而干旱地区和白天的差异更大。对于SST检索,无云浮标数据的平均误差为0.67K。这些算法已在近实时处理链中实现,该处理链在图像接收5分钟内每15分钟提供一次实际的LST和SST映射。这些地图以及其他产品可以从专门的网页(https://www.uv.es/iplsat)中免费查阅。这些算法已在近实时处理链中实现,该处理链在图像接收5分钟内每15分钟提供一次实际的LST和SST映射。这些地图以及其他产品可以从专门的网页(https://www.uv.es/iplsat)中免费查阅。这些算法已在近实时处理链中实现,该处理链在图像接收5分钟内每15分钟提供一次实际的LST和SST映射。这些地图以及其他产品可以从专门的网页(https://www.uv.es/iplsat)中免费查阅。
