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High Performance Simulation Models for ES-STATCOM based on Modular Multilevel Converters
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.1109/tec.2020.2967314
Allan Fagner Cupertino , William Caires Silva Amorim , Heverton Augusto Pereira , Seleme Isaac Seleme Junior , Sanjay Kumar Chaudhary , Remus Teodorescu

Due to the high integration of renewable energy, the power systems may become more susceptible to unbalanced grid voltages, grid frequency disturbances, harmonic resonances and others. Therefore, several works have pointed out that the ancillary services provided by the energy storage systems can minimize these issues. The combination of energy storage and static synchronous compensators (ES-STATCOM) has been proposed to reduce the cost. Modular multilevel converters (MMC) are featured as a good solution for ES-STATCOM realization, due to their high efficiency, modularity and inherent fault-tolerant structure. However, the study of the integration of the MMC based ES-STATCOM in a complex power system composed of power electronic converters, transmission system, renewable plants, transformers, etc, leads to a high computational burden. Therefore, this work presents a detailed design and implementation of three efficient simulation models of the MMC ES-STATCOM. The performance of these models compared during a grid frequency support case study by a 100 MVA/33 kV ES-STATCOM. In addition, the performance of these models is evaluated during a battery charging process and a grid symmetrical fault. The models are compared through the following aspects: processing time, normalized integral of absolute error, state-of-charge estimation and active and reactive power dynamic response.


基于模块化多电平转换器的 ES-STATCOM 高性能仿真模型

由于可再生能源的高度集成,电力系统可能变得更容易受到电网电压不平衡、电网频率扰动、谐波谐振等的影响。因此,有几项工作指出,储能系统提供的辅助服务可以最大限度地减少这些问题。已经提出了能量存储和静态同步补偿器(ES-STATCOM)的组合以降低成本。模块化多电平转换器(MMC)由于其高效率、模块化和固有的容错结构,被认为是实现 ES-STATCOM 的良好解决方案。然而,将基于 MMC 的 ES-STATCOM 集成到由电力电子转换器、传输系统、可再生电厂、变压器等组成的复杂电力系统中的研究会导致很高的计算负担。所以,这项工作介绍了 MMC ES-STATCOM 的三个高效仿真模型的详细设计和实现。这些模型的性能在 100 MVA/33 kV ES-STATCOM 的电网频率支持案例研究中进行了比较。此外,在电池充电过程和电网对称故障期间评估这些模型的性能。通过以下几个方面对模型进行比较:处理时间、绝对误差归一化积分、荷电状态估计以及有功和无功功率动态响应。在电池充电过程和电网对称故障期间评估这些模型的性能。通过以下几个方面对模型进行比较:处理时间、绝对误差的归一化积分、荷电状态估计以及有功和无功功率动态响应。在电池充电过程和电网对称故障期间评估这些模型的性能。通过以下几个方面对模型进行比较:处理时间、绝对误差归一化积分、荷电状态估计以及有功和无功功率动态响应。