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Field Sampling Materials Unlikely Source of Contamination for Perfluoroalkyl and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Field Samples
Environmental Science & Technology Letters ( IF 10.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-21 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.estlett.0c00036
Alix E. Rodowa 1 , Emerson Christie 1 , Jane Sedlak 2 , Graham F. Peaslee 2 , Dorin Bogdan 3 , Bill DiGuiseppi 4 , Jennifer A. Field 1

It is important that sample collection and shipping for monitoring perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in groundwater and soil do not contribute to PFAS concentrations in samples. Recommendations in state and federal PFAS sampling guidance documents are not supported by analytical data nor plausible pathways for exposure. Sixty-six materials were analyzed by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for 52 PFAS and total fluorine by particle-induced gamma-ray emission (PIGE) spectroscopy. Of the 22 materials with potential to come in direct contact with samples during sampling, none had quantifiable concentrations of routinely measured PFAS. Ten additional materials had quantifiable individual PFAS concentrations (<0.45–83 μg/m2), and 15 had total fluorine (8000 to >11,000,000 μg F/m). However, no plausible pathways for contaminating samples were detected. Estimates of the quantity of PFAS-containing materials required to reach the EPA health advisory limit (70 ng/L) for a 1 L water sample demonstrates the implausibility of actually contaminating samples. Strict limitations placed on field materials without plausible contact with field samples are not supported, and future efforts should focus only on materials that come in direct contact with field samples and have a plausible pathway for impacting the concentrations of PFAS to levels of concern.



重要的是,用于监测地下水和土壤中全氟烷基和多氟烷基物质(PFAS)的样品收集和运输对样品中PFAS的浓度无影响。州和联邦PFAS抽样指导文件中的建议不受分析数据或暴露的合理途径的支持。通过液相色谱串联质谱法(LC-MS / MS)分析了66种材料的52 PFAS和总氟含量,采用了颗粒诱导伽马射线发射(PIGE)光谱仪。在采样期间可能与样品直接接触的22种材料中,没有一种具有可定量测量的常规PFAS浓度。十种其他材料的PFAS浓度可量化(<0.45-83μg/ m 2),其中15个具有总氟(8000至> 11,000,000μgF / m)。但是,没有发现污染样品的合理途径。对于1 L的水样品,要达到EPA健康建议极限(70 ng / L)所需的含PFAS的材料数量的估计值表明了实际污染样品的可行性。不支持对没有与田间样品合理接触的田间材料施加严格限制,未来的工作应仅集中于与田间样品直接接触并且具有将PFAS浓度影响到关注水平的合理途径的材料。