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Characterizing vocal tremor in progressive neurological diseases via automated acoustic analyses
Clinical Neurophysiology ( IF 4.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.clinph.2020.02.005
Jan Hlavnička , Tereza Tykalová , Olga Ulmanová , Petr Dušek , Dana Horáková , Evžen Růžička , Jiří Klempíř , Jan Rusz

OBJECTIVE Voice tremor represents a common but frequently overlooked clinical feature of neurological disease. Therefore, we aimed to quantitatively and objectively assess the characteristics of voice tremor in a large sample of patients with various progressive neurological diseases. METHODS Voice samples were acquired from 240 patients with neurological disease and 40 healthy controls. The robust automated method was designed, allowing precise tracking of multiple tremor frequencies and distinguish pathological from the physiological tremor. RESULTS Abnormal tremor was revealed in Huntington's disease (65%), essential tremor (50%), multiple system atrophy (40%), cerebellar ataxia (40%), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (40%), progressive supranuclear palsy (25%), Parkinson's disease (20%), cervical dystonia (10%), and multiple sclerosis (8%) but not in controls. Low-frequency voice tremor (<4 Hz) was common in all investigated diseases, whereas medium tremor frequencies (4-7 Hz) were specific for movement disorders of Parkinson's disease, multiple system atrophy, essential tremor, and cervical dystonia. CONCLUSIONS Careful estimation of vocal tremor may help with accurate diagnosis and tailored treatment. SIGNIFICANCE This study provides (i) more insights into the pathophysiology of vocal tremor in a wide range of neurological diseases and (ii) an accurate method for estimation of vocal tremor suitable for clinical practice.



目的 声音震颤是神经系统疾病常见但经常被忽视的临床特征。因此,我们旨在定量、客观地评估大量患有各种进行性神经系统疾病的患者的声音震颤特征。方法 语音样本来自 240 名神经系统疾病患者和 40 名健康对照者。设计了强大的自动化方法,允许精确跟踪多个震颤频率并区分病理性和生理性震颤。结果 亨廷顿病 (65%)、特发性震颤 (50%)、多系统萎缩 (40%)、小脑性共济失调 (40%)、肌萎缩侧索硬化 (40%)、进行性核上性麻痹 (25%) 中发现异常震颤, 帕金森病 (20%), 颈肌张力障碍 (10%), 和多发性硬化症 (8%) 但在对照组中没有。低频声音震颤 (<4 Hz) 在所有调查的疾病中都很常见,而中等震颤频率 (4-7 Hz) 则是帕金森病、多系统萎缩、特发性震颤和颈肌张力障碍等运动障碍的特异性表现。结论 仔细估计声带震颤可能有助于准确诊断和定制治疗。意义本研究提供 (i) 对多种神经系统疾病中声带震颤的病理生理学的更多见解,以及 (ii) 一种适用于临床实践的准确估计声带震颤的方法。多系统萎缩、特发性震颤和颈肌张力障碍。结论 仔细估计声带震颤可能有助于准确诊断和定制治疗。意义本研究提供 (i) 对多种神经系统疾病中声带震颤的病理生理学的更多见解,以及 (ii) 一种适用于临床实践的准确估计声带震颤的方法。多系统萎缩、特发性震颤和颈肌张力障碍。结论 仔细估计声带震颤可能有助于准确诊断和定制治疗。意义本研究提供 (i) 对多种神经系统疾病中声带震颤的病理生理学的更多见解,以及 (ii) 一种适用于临床实践的准确估计声带震颤的方法。