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Screening for Glucose Perturbations and Risk Factor Management in Dysglycemic Patients With Coronary Artery Disease-A Persistent Challenge in Need of Substantial Improvement: A Report From ESC EORP EUROASPIRE V.
Diabetes Care ( IF 16.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.2337/dc19-2165
Giulia Ferrannini 1, 2 , Dirk De Bacquer 3, 4 , Guy De Backer 3, 4 , Kornelia Kotseva 3, 5, 6 , Linda Mellbin 2, 3 , David Wood 3, 5, 6 , Lars Rydén ,

OBJECTIVE Dysglycemia, in this survey defined as impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or type 2 diabetes, is common in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and associated with an unfavorable prognosis. This European survey investigated dysglycemia screening and risk factor management of patients with CAD in relation to standards of European guidelines for cardiovascular subjects. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS The European Society of Cardiology's European Observational Research Programme (ESC EORP) European Action on Secondary and Primary Prevention by Intervention to Reduce Events (EUROASPIRE) V (2016-2017) included 8,261 CAD patients, aged 18-80 years, from 27 countries. If the glycemic state was unknown, patients underwent an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and measurement of glycated hemoglobin A1c. Lifestyle, risk factors, and pharmacological management were investigated. RESULTS A total of 2,452 patients (29.7%) had known diabetes. OGTT was performed in 4,440 patients with unknown glycemic state, of whom 41.1% were dysglycemic. Without the OGTT, 30% of patients with type 2 diabetes and 70% of those with IGT would not have been detected. The presence of dysglycemia almost doubled from that self-reported to the true proportion after screening. Only approximately one-third of all coronary patients had completely normal glucose metabolism. Of patients with known diabetes, 31% had been advised to attend a diabetes clinic, and only 24% attended. Only 58% of dysglycemic patients were prescribed all cardioprotective drugs, and use of sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors (3%) or glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor agonist (1%) was small. CONCLUSIONS Urgent action is required for both screening and management of patients with CAD and dysglycemia, in the expectation of a substantial reduction in risk of further cardiovascular events, complications of diabetes, and longer life expectancy.


ESC EORP EUROASPIRE V.一份报告,对患有冠状动脉疾病的血糖不良患者的葡萄糖摄动和危险因素管理进行筛查-持续存在的挑战,需要实质性改善。

目的血糖异常,在本次调查中被定义为糖耐量降低(IGT)或2型糖尿病,在冠心病(CAD)患者中很常见,并且预后不良。这项欧洲调查调查了欧洲心血管病患者指南的标准,对CAD患者的血糖监测和危险因素管理进行了调查。研究设计与方法欧洲心脏病学会欧洲观察研究计划(ESC EORP),欧洲通过干预减少事件的二级和一级预防行动(EUROASPIRE)V(2016-2017年)包括8,261例CAD患者,年龄18-80岁,来自27个国家。如果血糖状态未知,则患者应进行口服葡萄糖耐量测试(OGTT)和糖化血红蛋白A1c的测量。生活方式,危险因素,和药理管理进行了调查。结果共有2452例患者(29.7%)患有糖尿病。OGTT在4,440名血糖状态未知的患者中进行,其中41.1%为血糖不良。如果没有OGTT,将不会检测到30%的2型糖尿病患者和70%的IGT患者。筛选后,血糖异常的存在几乎是自我报告的两倍,达到真实比例。所有冠心病患者中只有大约三分之一的葡萄糖代谢完全正常。在已知的糖尿病患者中,有31%被建议去糖尿病诊所就诊,只有24%的患者就诊。只有58%的降糖药患者开了所有心脏保护药,而钠-葡萄糖共转运蛋白2抑制剂(3%)或胰高血糖素样肽1受体激动剂(1%)的使用量很少。