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Proceedings of the VIII International Workshop on Locational Analysis and Related Problems
arXiv - CS - Other Computer Science Pub Date : 2020-02-19 , DOI: arxiv-2002.08293
Marta Baldomero-Naranjo, Inmaculada Espejo-Miranda, Luisa I. Mart\'inez-Merino, Antonio M. Rodr\'iguez-Ch\'ia, Diego Ruiz-Hern\'andez (Editors)

The International Workshop on Locational Analysis and Related Problems will take place during September 27-29, 2017 in Segovia (Spain). It is organized by the Spanish Location Network and Location Group GELOCA (SEIO). GELOCA is a working group on location belonging to the Statistics and Operations Research Spanish Society. The Spanish Location Network is a group of more than 100 researchers distributed into 16 nodes corresponding to several Spanish universities. The Network has been funded by the Spanish Government. Every year, the Network organizes a meeting to promote the communication between its members and between them and other researchers, and to contribute to the development of the location field and related problems. Previous meetings took place in M\'alaga (September 14-16, 2016), Barcelona (November 25-28, 2015), Sevilla (October 1-3, 2014), Torremolinos (M\'alaga, June 19-21, 2013), Granada (May 10-12, 2012), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (February 2-5, 2011) and Sevilla (February 1-3, 2010). The topics of interest are location analysis and related problems. It includes location, networks, transportation, routing, logistics models, as well as, exact and heuristic solution methods, and computational geometry, among others.



位置分析及相关问题国际研讨会将于 2017 年 9 月 27 日至 29 日在塞哥维亚(西班牙)举行。它由西班牙位置网络和位置组 GELOCA (SEIO) 组织。GELOCA 是隶属于西班牙统计和运筹学协会的地点工作组。西班牙位置网络是由 100 多名研究人员组成的小组,分布在 16 个节点中,对应于几所西班牙大学。该网络由西班牙政府资助。每年,该网络都会组织一次会议,以促进其成员之间以及他们与其他研究人员之间的交流,并为定位领域和相关问题的发展做出贡献。之前的会议在 M\'alaga(2016 年 9 月 14-16 日)、巴塞罗那(2015 年 11 月 25-28 日)、塞维利亚(2014年10月1-3日)、托雷莫利诺斯(马拉加,2013年6月19-21日)、格拉纳达(2012年5月10-12日)、大加那利岛拉斯帕尔马斯(2011年2月2-5日)和塞维利亚(2010 年 2 月 1-3 日)。感兴趣的主题是位置分析和相关问题。它包括位置、网络、运输、路由、物流模型,以及精确和启发式解决方案方法和计算几何等。