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Evaluation of seed treatments against Colletotrichum kahawae subsp. cigarro on Eucalyptus spp.
Crop Protection ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cropro.2020.105113
E. Mangwende , P.W. Chirwa , T.A.S. Aveling

Abstract Anthracnose leaf spot is a common disease caused by Colletotrichum species. Non-chemical seed treatments that included Bacillus, Trichoderma, hot water, microwave radiation, and hydrogen peroxide were evaluated at disinfecting Eucalyptus seeds infected with Colletotrichum kahawae subsp. cigarro. The seed treatments were assessed on Eucalyptus grandis and E. nitens seed lots. When both reduction in the incidence of Colletotrichum and increased seed germination are considered, hot water seed treatments at 55 °C for 15 min and 60 °C for 1 min were optimum treatment/time parameters for Eucalyptus. Seed germination improved when Eucalyptus seeds were soaked in 10% H2O2 for 10 min to the equivalent of that of the chemical seed treatment (Celest® XL). Exposure of moist Eucalyptus seeds to microwave radiation of 1400 W for 30 s was the only microwave power-time combination that significantly improved seed germination similar to that of the Celest® XL treatment. In -vitro assays showed no diseases on seedlings raised from seeds soaked in hot water baths set at 55 and 60 °C for 15 min and above, and seeds soaked in 10 and 15% H2O2 for 5 min and above. Moreover, no disease symptoms were observed on seedlings raised from moist seeds exposed to microwave radiation at 1400 W for 90 s and above or dry seeds exposed to microwave radiation at 1400 W for 120 s and above. Bacillus, however, was the only non-chemical seed treatment that demonstrated effectiveness against anthracnose leaf spot under greenhouse conditions.



摘要 炭疽病叶斑病是由炭疽病菌引起的常见病害。包括芽孢杆菌、木霉、热水、微波辐射和过氧化氢在内的非化学种子处理在消毒感染了炭疽菌卡哈瓦亚种的桉树种子方面进行了评估。雪茄。种子处理在 Eucalyptus grandis 和 E. nitens 种子批次上进行评估。当同时考虑炭疽菌发生率的降低和种子发芽率的增加时,55°C 15 分钟和 60°C 1 分钟的热水种子处理是桉树的最佳处理/时间参数。当桉树种子在 10% 的 H2O2 中浸泡 10 分钟时,种子发芽得到改善,与化学种子处理 (Celest® XL) 相同。将潮湿的桉树种子暴露于 1400 W 的微波辐射 30 秒,是唯一一种与 Celest® XL 处理类似的显着改善种子发芽的微波功率-时间组合。体外试验表明,种子在 55 和 60°C 的热水浴中浸泡 15 分钟及以上,种子在 10 和 15% 的 H2O2 中浸泡 5 分钟及以上,培育出的幼苗没有病害。此外,从暴露于 1400 W 微波辐射 90 s 及以上的潮湿种子或暴露于 1400 W 微波辐射 120 s 及以上的干种子培育出的幼苗没有观察到疾病症状。然而,芽孢杆菌是唯一一种在温室条件下证明对炭疽病叶斑病有效的非化学种子处理方法。