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Development of Brain Networks in Utero: Relevance for Common Neural Disorders
Biological Psychiatry ( IF 10.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2020.02.007
Moriah E Thomason 1

Magnetic resonance imaging, histological, and gene analysis approaches in living and nonliving human fetuses and in prematurely born neonates have provided insight into the staged processes of prenatal brain development. Increased understanding of micro- and macroscale brain network development before birth has spurred interest in understanding the relevance of prenatal brain development to common neurological diseases. Questions abound as to the sensitivity of the intrauterine brain to environmental programming, to windows of plasticity, and to the prenatal origin of disorders of childhood that involve disruptions in large-scale network connectivity. Much of the available literature on human prenatal neural development comes from cross-sectional or case studies that are not able to resolve the longitudinal consequences of individual variation in brain development before birth. This review will 1) detail specific methodologies for studying the human prenatal brain, 2) summarize large-scale human prenatal neural network development, integrating findings from across a variety of experimental approaches, 3) explore the plasticity of the early developing brain as well as potential sex differences in prenatal susceptibility, and 4) evaluate opportunities to link specific prenatal brain developmental processes to the forms of aberrant neural connectivity that underlie common neurological disorders of childhood.



活体和非活体人类胎儿以及早产新生儿的磁共振成像、组织学和基因分析方法提供了对产前大脑发育阶段性过程的深入了解。对出生前微观和宏观大脑网络发育的更多了解激发了人们对了解产前大脑发育与常见神经系统疾病的相关性的兴趣。关于宫内大脑对环境规划、可塑性窗口以及涉及大规模网络连接中断的儿童疾病的产前起源的敏感性,问题比比皆是。许多关于人类产前神经发育的可用文献来自横断面或案例研究,这些研究无法解决出生前大脑发育个体差异的纵向后果。这篇综述将 1) 详细说明研究人类产前大脑的具体方法,2) 总结大规模人类产前神经网络的发展,整合来自各种实验方法的发现,3) 探索早期发育大脑的可塑性以及产前易感性的潜在性别差异,以及 4) 评估将特定产前大脑发育过程与构成儿童常见神经系统疾病基础的异常神经连接形式联系起来的机会。