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Ant schnapps for health and pleasure: the use of Formica rufa L. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) to flavour aquavit.
Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine ( IF 3.6 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-19 , DOI: 10.1186/s13002-019-0347-7
Ingvar Svanberg 1 , Åsa Berggren 2

BACKGROUND The relationship between humans and insects goes long back and is important. Insects provide a multitude of ecosystem services for humans, e g. by pollinating crops and decomposing matter. Our current knowledge about the cultural ecosystem services that insects provide is limited and not much examined. METHOD Scattered ethnographical descriptions and folklore records from pre-modern Sweden and other Scandinavian countries give us insights into local knowledge and use of insects among the peasantry in various parts of the country. These data have been analysed and critically reviewed. Source pluralism has been used as a method. RESULTS The mound-building red wood ant, Formica rufa L., is one of the species that were used in Sweden for their healing properties. It was a widespread belief that the formic acid could be used to cure various diseases, especially gout and rheumatism. Both anthills and the ants themselves were used for that purpose. It was also common to flavour distilled liquor (brännvin) with ants; a remedy used for medicinal purposes. However, already in the eighteenth century, this was also used as schnapps. The cultural services provided by this species stretches throughout history and still exists today. CONCLUSION While the use of ants in medicine has vanished, the custom of making homemade ant flavoured alcoholic beverage survives in Sweden. Nowadays it is a hobby among people who flavour their own aquavit. It is appreciated as a tasty and interesting drink.


蚂蚁杜松子酒有益于健康和愉悦:使用Formica rufa L.(膜翅目:Formidaidae)为水合植物调味。

背景技术人与昆虫之间的关系可以追溯到很久以前,并且很重要。昆虫为人类提供了多种生态系统服务。通过给农作物授粉和分解物质 我们目前对昆虫提供的文化生态系统服务的了解是有限的,没有经过太多检查。方法来自瑞典前现代国家和其他斯堪的纳维亚国家的零星民族志描述和民俗记录使我们深入了解了该国各地农民的当地知识和对昆虫的使用。这些数据已经过分析和严格审查。源多元化已被用作一种方法。结果造土的红木蚁Formica rufa L.是瑞典因其愈合特性而使用的树种之一。人们普遍认为,甲酸可用于治疗各种疾病,尤其是痛风和风湿病。蚁丘和蚂蚁本身都用于此目的。用蚂蚁调味蒸馏酒(brännvin)也很常见。用于医学目的的补救措施。然而,早在18世纪,它也被用作烈酒。该物种提供的文化服务贯穿整个历史,至今仍然存在。结论尽管蚂蚁在药物中的使用已消失,但制作自制蚂蚁调味酒精饮料的习惯在瑞典仍然存在。如今,这是一种对自己的Aquavit调味的人的爱好。它被认为是一种美味而有趣的饮料。用蚂蚁调味蒸馏酒(brännvin)也很常见。用于医学目的的补救措施。然而,早在18世纪,它也被用作烈酒。该物种提供的文化服务贯穿整个历史,并且至今仍然存在。结论尽管蚂蚁在药物中的使用已消失,但制作自制蚂蚁调味酒精饮料的习惯在瑞典仍然存在。如今,这是一种对自己的Aquavit调味的人的爱好。它被认为是一种美味而有趣的饮料。用蚂蚁调味蒸馏酒(brännvin)也很常见。用于医学目的的补救措施。但是,早在18世纪,它也被用作烈酒。该物种提供的文化服务贯穿整个历史,至今仍然存在。结论尽管蚂蚁在药物中的使用已消失,但制作自制蚂蚁调味酒精饮料的习惯在瑞典仍然存在。如今,这是一种对自己的Aquavit调味的人的爱好。它被认为是一种美味而有趣的饮料。结论尽管蚂蚁在药物中的使用已消失,但制作自制蚂蚁调味酒精饮料的习惯在瑞典仍然存在。如今,这是一种对自己的Aquavit调味的人的爱好。它被认为是一种美味而有趣的饮料。结论尽管蚂蚁在药物中的使用已消失,但制作自制蚂蚁调味酒精饮料的习惯在瑞典仍然存在。如今,这是一种对自己的Aquavit调味的人的爱好。它被认为是一种美味而有趣的饮料。