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Managing the water distribution network with a Smart Water Grid
Smart Water Pub Date : 2016-07-21 , DOI: 10.1186/s40713-016-0004-4

In Singapore, the implementation of a Smart Water Grid system supports the Public Utilities Board (PUB)’s mission to supply good water 24/7 to its customers. With sensors and analytic tools deployed island-wide to provide a real-time monitoring and decision support system, the Smart Water Grid system enables PUB to manage the water supply network efficiently, ensuring that all Singaporeans will continue to enjoy a reliable and sustainable water supply for generations to come. This paper covers the five key aspects of the Smart Water Grid system, in relation to both the key operational aspects of a water distribution system (asset management, leak management, water quality monitoring) and the customers’ end (automated meter reading and water conservation). For each aspect, the paper focuses on the challenges, current technology, PUB’s experience with technology and identified gaps, and the technology roadmap.



在新加坡,智能水电网系统的实施支持公共事业委员会(PUB)的使命,即向其客户提供24/7的优质水。通过在全岛范围内部署传感器和分析工具来提供实时监控和决策支持系统,智能水网系统使公用事业局能够有效地管理供水网络,确保所有新加坡人将继续享受可靠和可持续的供水世世代代。本文涵盖了智能水网系统的五个关键方面,涉及供水系统的关键运营方面(资产管理,泄漏管理,水质监测)和客户端(自动抄表和节水) )。本文从各个方面着重介绍了挑战,当前技术,