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Typology of Stand Litter for Some Types of Plantings at Moscow State University’s Botanical Garden
Moscow University Soil Science Bulletin Pub Date : 2019-06-24 , DOI: 10.3103/s0147687419020017
L. G. Bogatyrev , A. I. Benediktova , Ph. I. Zemskov , A. N. Demidova , A. V. Boyko , A. V. Rappoport , A. N. Vartanov , N. I. Zhilin , D. D. Gosse , V. V. Demin

Stand litter of some coniferous and deciduous plantations within the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University is studied. It is established that stand litter of destructive types develops under conditions of deciduous plantations, whereas it is fermentative and humified in coniferous plantations. The total reserves of stand litters range from 500–800 g/m2 in deciduous plantations to 1000–5000 g/m2 in coniferous plantations. It is shown that small-leaved plantations are characterized by high rates of cycling with a significant decrease in the coniferous ecosystems. It was shown for the first time that the overall decomposition rate of terrestrial litter increases substantially with an increase in the proportion of leaves in the litter, which is confirmed by the theory of “hot points” proposed in the scientific literature.



研究了莫斯科国立大学植物园内一些针叶和落叶人工林的枯枝落叶。可以确定,破坏性类型的枯枝落叶会在落叶人工林的条件下生长,而在针叶人工林中则是发酵和腐殖的。林分凋落物的总储量范围从落叶林中的500–800 g / m 2到1000–5000 g / m 2在针叶林中。结果表明,小叶人工林的特点是循环速率高,针叶生态系统明显减少。首次表明,地面凋落物的总分解速率随凋落物中叶子比例的增加而显着增加,这已被科学文献中提出的“热点”理论所证实。