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Barriers and facilitators for BIM use among Swedish medium-sized contractors - “We wait until someone tells us to use it”
Visualization in Engineering Pub Date : 2017-03-21 , DOI: 10.1186/s40327-017-0040-7
Petra Bosch-Sijtsema , Anders Isaksson , Martin Lennartsson , Henrik C. J. Linderoth

The pace of diffusion of BIM (Building Information Modelling) use is considered to increase with governmental initiatives in which public clients in countries like Finland, Singapore, United Kingdom, and Sweden begin requiring BIM as a part of the project delivery. Currently, larger contractor firms use BIM to a certain extent. However, BIM use by mid-sized contractor firms (that is, firms with 50–500 employees that can successfully compete with larger contractors on projects costing a maximum of 50 million Euros) is relatively unknown. Hence, the aim of the paper is to explore current use and perceived constraints and driving forces of BIM-implementation with respect to mid-sized contractors. A mixed method approach was applied, and data was collected through an interview study and a survey involving chief executive officers or their closest sub-ordinates in mid-sized contractor firms in Sweden. The survey was based on a technology-, organization-, and environment framework that is used in information systems research to study the use of inter-organizational information systems. The total population of firms in the survey corresponded to 104. The study presented the preliminary results based on 32 answers (with a 31% response rate). Fifty-eight percent of the surveyed respondents stated that they had been involved in a project in which BIM was used in some manner. The most commonly used application included visualization, which also facilitates coordination and communication. The biggest perceived constraints involved partners that did not use BIM, lack of demand from clients, and the absence of internal demand in the company. With respect to the two last obstacles, significant differences existed between users and non-users. The most common perceived driving forces included the fact that BIM is perceived as a means to follow technical development and that BIM provides competitive advantages to the company. It is concluded that the main driver responsible for BIM-implementation is mainly determined by an individual’s subjective positive or negative evaluation of BIM, instead of external pressure from clients and partners or by the internal capacity and knowledge to use BIM.



BIM(建筑信息模型)使用的传播速度被认为随着政府举措的增加而增加,在该举措中,芬兰,新加坡,英国和瑞典等国家/地区的公共客户开始要求BIM作为项目交付的一部分。当前,较大的承包商公司在一定程度上使用了BIM。但是,相对不了解中型承包商公司(即拥有50至500名员工,可以在规模最大的项目费用高达5000万欧元的项目中与大型承包商成功竞争的公司)使用BIM的情况。因此,本文的目的是探索针对中型承包商的BIM实施的当前使用和感知约束以及驱动力。应用了混合方法 数据是通过访谈研究和一项调查收集的,调查涉及瑞典中型承包商公司的首席执行官或其最接近的下属。该调查基于技术,组织和环境框架,该框架在信息系统研究中用于研究组织间信息系统的使用。参与调查的公司总数为104。该研究基于32个答案(响应率为31%)给出了初步结果。58%的受访者表示,他们参与了以某种方式使用BIM的项目。最常用的应用程序包括可视化,还可以促进协调和交流。认为最大的限制涉及不使用BIM的合作伙伴,客户需求不足,公司内部需求不足。关于最后两个障碍,用户与非用户之间存在显着差异。最常见的驱动力包括以下事实:BIM被视为跟随技术发展的一种手段,并且BIM为公司提供了竞争优势。得出的结论是,负责BIM实施的主要驱动力主要是由个人对BIM的主观积极或消极评估决定的,而不是来自客户和合作伙伴的外部压力或由使用BIM的内部能力和知识决定的。最常见的驱动力包括以下事实:BIM被视为跟随技术发展的一种手段,并且BIM为公司提供了竞争优势。结论是,负责BIM实施的主要驱动力主要是由个人对BIM的主观正面或负面评价,而不是来自客户和合作伙伴的外部压力,或者是使用BIM的内部能力和知识。最常见的驱动力包括以下事实:BIM被视为跟随技术发展的一种手段,并且BIM为公司提供了竞争优势。得出的结论是,负责BIM实施的主要驱动力主要是由个人对BIM的主观积极或消极评估决定的,而不是来自客户和合作伙伴的外部压力或由使用BIM的内部能力和知识决定的。