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A Review of the Economic Botany of Sesbania (Leguminosae)
The Botanical Review ( IF 4 ) Pub Date : 2019-05-31 , DOI: 10.1007/s12229-019-09205-y
Saowalak Bunma , Henrik Balslev

Sesbania is a genus in the family Leguminosae that has been widely used by people in tropical and subtropical regions, especially in Southeast Asia. Information about Sesbania uses and their characteristics such as chemical compounds were obtained from 233 papers, reports and books. We found evidence for 22 Sesbania species being used. They were used for human food (10 species), animal food (9), poisons (1), medicines (10), environments (8), materials (7), fuel (2) and social purposes (1). Sesbania grandiflora and S. sesban were used more than the other species. Sesbania grandiflora was the only species with uses in all categories. Sesbania sesban was used in six categories. Sesbania grandiflora had the highest number of use records in almost all categories, except for fuel in which S. sesban had more records. The aerial parts, especially the soft, young parts were consumed by both humans and animals. Some Sesbania species contained high amounts of proteins (41% of protein in S. javanica), vitamin C (145 mg/100 g in S. grandiflora) and high amounts of calcium (666 mg/100 g in S. grandiflora). Sesbania species have been used to treat 20 subcategories of human disorders, and also as veterinary medicines. Sesbania possessed 1-O-β-D-glucopyranosyl-2-hydroxy-N-pentadecanamide, 2-hydroxy-N-decanamide, betulinic acid, isovestitol, medicarpin, oleanolic acid 3-β-D-glucuronide, pinitol, saponin, sativan, sesbanimide, stigmasterol and triterpene acid 3-O-α-L-rhamnopyranoside for which pharmacological properties had been tested. Sesbania also has cardioprotective, antidiabetic, antiurolithiatic, hypolipidemic, anticancer, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory effects. Sixteen microorganisms were found to be inhibited by Sesbania. Sesbania species are well-known for their use as green manures and seven species were recorded for this purpose. Sesbania also have properties that make them useful for pollution control. Regarding material uses, five Sesbania species were used for their fibers and Sesbania bispinosa was used in the production of fabrics. Besides the uses, Sesbania species also have other economic importance as weeds, pest host, and host for an economic plant. Eight species of Sesbania appear to have negative effects as weeds and pest-host and one species (Sesbania grandiflora) was the host for sandalwood. There was evidence that Sesbania could inhibit growth of animals and plants. Moreover, Sesbania seeds in too large doses are lethal to some animals. According to the vast advantages, the knowledge of Sesbania uses, including the safe dosages, should be passed on for the welfare of humans.



Sesbania是豆科植物中的一个属,在热带和亚热带地区,尤其是东南亚地区,人们广泛使用。从 233 篇论文、报告和书籍中获得了关于田菁用途及其特征(如化合物)的信息。我们发现了使用 22 种田菁属植物的证据。它们被用于人类食品(10 种)、动物食品(9)、毒药(1)、药物(10)、环境(8)、材料(7)、燃料(2)和社会用途(1)。Sesbania grandiflora 和 S. sesban 比其他物种使用得更多。Sesbania grandiflora 是唯一在所有类别中都有用途的物种。Sesbania sesban 被用于六类。Sesbania grandiflora 在几乎所有类别中的使用记录数量最多,除了 S. sesban 在燃料中的记录更多。地上部分,尤其是柔软的,年轻的部分被人类和动物消耗。一些田菁属植物含有大量蛋白质(S. javanica 中蛋白质的 41%)、维生素 C(S. Grandiflora 中为 145 mg/100 g)和大量钙(S. Grandiflora 中为 666 mg/100 g)。田菁属植物已被用于治疗 20 种人类疾病亚类,也可用作兽药。田菁拥有 1-O-β-D-吡喃葡萄糖基-2-羟基-N-十五酰胺、2-羟基-N-癸酰胺、桦木酸、异维酮、药卡平、齐墩果酸 3-β-D-葡萄糖醛酸、松醇、皂苷、苜蓿, sesbanimide, 豆甾醇和三萜酸 3-O-α-L-鼠李糖苷已对其药理特性进行了测试。Sesbania 还具有心脏保护、抗糖尿病、抗尿石症、降血脂、抗癌、镇痛和抗炎作用。发现田菁抑制了 16 种微生物。田菁物种以其用作绿肥而闻名,为此目的记录了七个物种。Sesbania 还具有使其可用于控制污染的特性。在材料用途方面,五种田菁用于其纤维,而双叶田菁用于生产织物。除了用途之外,田菁物种还具有其他经济重要性,如杂草、害虫寄主和经济植物的寄主。八种田菁似乎对杂草和害虫寄主产生负面影响,而一种(田菁)是檀香的寄主。有证据表明田菁可以抑制动植物的生长。此外,太大剂量的田菁种子对某些动物是致命的。根据巨大的优势,