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Editorial: 52nd annual meeting of the Brazilian Dental Materials Group
Applied Adhesion Science Pub Date : 2017-06-09 , DOI: 10.1186/s40563-017-0091-y
Rafael R. Moraes

The 52nd annual meeting of the Brazilian Dental Materials Group, known by its acronym in Portuguese GBMD (Grupo Brasileiro de Materiais Dentários), was held in Uberlândia, Minas Gerais state, Brazil between July 19–22, 2016. The conference was chaired by the School of Dentistry from Federal University of Uberlândia. In total, 9 researchers lectured, 258 research posters were presented, and above 350 attendees participated in the meeting. The conference addressed significant issues related to dental biomaterials, including tools used for in vitro investigation and the clinical applicability of dental materials and techniques. Several researchers, including many undergraduate students, had the opportunity to share and discuss their research findings with the GBMD community and with experienced investigators.

The oral speakers presented the following lectures during the meeting: “CAD-CAM restorations: scientific evidence and clinical performance” by Prof. Flávio Neves (UFU); “Strategies to stabilize the resin-dentin bonds” by Prof. Josimeri Hebling (UNESP-Araraquara); “Anatomy of root canals and evaluation of endodontic materials” by Prof. Manoel Sousa Neto (USP-Ribeirão Preto); “Laboratory testing of dental adhesives and its clinical relevance” by Prof. Steve Armstrong (University of Iowa College of Dentistry, USA); “Technology applied to the scientific investigation of dental materials” by Prof. Marcelo Giannini (UNICAMP-Piracicaba); “Longevity of dental restorations in anterior and posterior teeth” by Prof. Flávio Demarco (UFPel); “Use of thio-urethane additives to reduce polymerization shrinkage and improve conversion in composites” by Prof. André Faria e Silva (UFS); “Improving light-curing instruction in dental school” by Prof. Richard Price (School of Biomedical Engineering, Dalhousie University, Canada); and “Fractography studies applied to restorative materials” by Prof. Paulo Cesar (USP-São Paulo).

This special issue of Applied Adhesion Science contains peer-reviewed papers submitted through the journal online submission system. The articles address relevant issues concerning the adhesive dentistry, including methods to age the bonded dentin interfaces, novel polymerization promoters for dental adhesives, and bonding to dental ceramics and root canal walls. This issue is the Fourth Special Issue with papers selected from GBMD meetings published in Applied Adhesion Science. I am delighted to share that the journal has been recently accepted for inclusion in the Scopus database, which hopefully will increase the readership of the journal and aid in consolidating the name of the journal as well as of the GBMD in the international research community.

The organizing committee of the 52nd GBMD meeting thanks the sponsors and all colleagues who helped to organize the conference. We also thank to the researchers who served as reviewers for the articles published in this Special Issue.

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  1. School of Dentistry, Federal University of Pelotas, Rua Gonçalves Chaves 457, room 505, Pelotas, RS, 96015-560, Brazil

    Rafael R. Moraes

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Moraes, R.R. Editorial: 52nd annual meeting of the Brazilian Dental Materials Group. Appl Adhes Sci 5, 11 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40563-017-0091-y

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巴西牙科材料集团第52届年会于2016年7月19日至22日在巴西米纳斯吉拉斯州的Uberlândia举行,其缩写为葡萄牙语GBMD(Grupo Brasileiro de MateriaisDentários)。乌贝兰迪亚联邦大学牙科学院。共有9位研究人员演讲,发布了258张研究海报,超过350位与会者参加了会议。会议讨论了与牙科生物材料有关的重大问题,包括用于体外研究的工具以及牙科材料和技术的临床适用性。一些研究人员,包括许多本科生,有机会与GBMD社区和经验丰富的研究人员分享和讨论他们的研究结果。

口头演讲者在会议上发表了以下演讲:FlávioNeves教授(UFU)的“ CAD-CAM修复:科学证据和临床表现”;Josimeri Hebling教授(UNESP-Araraquara)的“稳定树脂-牙本质键的策略”;Manoel Sousa Neto教授(USP-RibeirãoPreto)“根管解剖和牙髓材料评估”;史蒂夫·阿姆斯特朗教授(美国爱荷华大学牙科学院)“牙科粘合剂的实验室测试及其临床意义”;Marcelo Giannini教授(UNICAMP-Piracicaba)“将技术应用于牙科材料的科学研究”;FlávioDemarco教授(UFPel)“前牙和后牙的牙齿修复的寿命”;“使用硫代氨基甲酸酯添加剂减少聚合收缩率并提高复合材料的转化率” 安德烈·法里亚·席尔瓦(UFS);理查德·普赖斯教授(加拿大达尔豪斯大学生物医学工程学院)“改善牙科学校的光固化教学”;Paulo Cesar教授(USP-SãoPaulo)撰写的“适用于修复材料的分形学研究”。




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  1. 佩洛塔斯联邦大学牙科学院,RuaGonçalvesChaves 457,佩洛塔斯505室,RS,96015-560,巴西


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莫拉兹(Moraes),《 RR》社论:巴西牙科材料集团第52届年会。申请Adhes科学 5, 11(2017)。https://doi.org/10.1186/s40563-017-0091-y

