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Clear-cuts are temporary habitats, not matrix, for endangered grassland burnet moths (Zygaena spp.)
Journal of Insect Conservation ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-16 , DOI: 10.1007/s10841-019-00193-3
Karl-Olof Bergman , Joseph Burman , Dennis Jonason , Mattias C. Larsson , Nils Ryrholm , Lars Westerberg , Per Milberg

Burnet moths (Zygaena spp.) are day-flying Lepidoptera considered indicative of species-rich grasslands. In the present study, our aim was to clarify whether clear-cuts are habitat, supporting habitat or matrix for three species of Zygaena. We did so by sampling these species with sex pheromones on 48 clear-cuts, varying in amount of host and nectar plants, in southern Sweden. To compare the efficiency of such sampling, we also conducted transect walks on these clearcuts. Overall, host-plants on clear-cuts best explained the abundance of Zygaena spp. recorded, better than nectar-plants or connectivity with nearby grasslands. These results indicate that clear-cuts with an abundance of host plants are used as a fully functional habitat, and not a supporting habitat in the sense of only providing nectar. There is no support in these results for considering clear-cuts as an inert matrix. With about half the work-effort, pheromone traps recorded 100 times more Zygaena spp. as transect walks. The poor correspondence between observations during transects walks and pheromone trap catches suggest Zygaena spp. being difficult to monitor by transect walks. In contrast to grasslands, clear-cuts are short-term in nature requiring repeated recolonization, indicating the importance of permanent grasslands. However, clear-cuts are important temporary insect habitats due to their great acreage, and suitable management can increase the time they remain a habitat.


清除地是濒临灭绝的草原地榆(Zygaena spp.)的临时栖息地,而不是基质

Burnet 飞蛾 (Zygaena spp.) 是白天飞翔的鳞翅目,被认为是物种丰富的草原的象征。在本研究中,我们的目的是澄清林地是三种 Zygaena 的栖息地、支持栖息地还是基质。为此,我们在瑞典南部的 48 个清除地(宿主和花蜜植物的数量各不相同)上用性信息素对这些物种进行采样。为了比较这种采样的效率,我们还对这些清除地进行了样带行走。总体而言,干净的寄主植物最好地解释了 Zygaena spp 的丰富程度。记录,比花蜜植物或与附近草原的连通性更好。这些结果表明,具有丰富寄主植物的林地被用作功能齐全的栖息地,而不是仅提供花蜜的支持栖息地。这些结果不支持将清除剂视为惰性基质。用大约一半的工作量,信息素陷阱记录的 Zygaena spp 增加了 100 倍。作为横断面行走。横断面行走期间的观察结果与信息素陷阱捕获之间的不良对应表明 Zygaena spp。很难通过横断面进行监测。与草原相反,清除地本质上是短期的,需要反复重新定植,这表明永久草原的重要性。然而,林地面积很大,是重要的临时昆虫栖息地,适当的管理可以增加它们保持栖息地的时间。横断面行走期间观察结果与信息素陷阱捕获之间的不良对应表明 Zygaena spp。很难通过横断面进行监测。与草原相反,清除地是短期的,需要反复重新定植,这表明永久草原的重要性。然而,林地面积很大,是重要的临时昆虫栖息地,适当的管理可以增加它们保持栖息地的时间。横断面行走期间的观察结果与信息素陷阱捕获之间的不良对应表明 Zygaena spp。很难通过横断面进行监测。与草原相反,清除地本质上是短期的,需要反复重新定植,这表明永久草原的重要性。然而,林地面积很大,是重要的临时昆虫栖息地,适当的管理可以增加它们保持栖息地的时间。