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Costume evolution during the development of romantic relationships and its impact on the positions of power in the Star Wars prequel and original trilogies
Fashion and Textiles ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-02-26 , DOI: 10.1186/s40691-018-0167-8
Mary C. King , Jessica L. Ridgway

This study explored the costume evolution of the Star Wars film characters Padme Amidala and Leia Organa as romantic relationships were introduced and progressed and how this impacted their positions of power. The study aimed to investigate how female characters have their position of power minimized through the use of costume as their involvement in romantic relationships evolves throughout the films. Objectification theory was used as a theoretical framework under which the study was carried out. The researchers utilized a qualitative content analysis of the audio and visual content of the first six Star Wars films. The results indicated that both characters were objectified through costume. Before romantic relationships were introduced, both women were acknowledged for their positions of power which were emphasized by their costumes. It was observed that as both women progressed in their romantic relationships, their perceived power decreased, and an increase of objectification through greater skin exposure occurred.



这项研究探索了随着浪漫关系的引入和发展,《星球大战》电影人物Padme Amidala和Leia Organa的服装演变,以及这如何影响他们的权力地位。这项研究旨在调查在整个电影中,女性角色如何通过使用服饰来最大程度地降低其权力地位。客观化理论被用作进行研究的理论框架。研究人员对前六部《星球大战》电影的视听内容进行了定性分析。结果表明,两个人物都是通过服装来客观化的。在建立恋爱关系之前,两位女性的着装地位都得到了承认。