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Effect of Vegetative Buffer Strips on Herbicide Runoff From a Nontilled Soil
Soil Science ( IF 1.692 ) Pub Date : 2018-08-01 , DOI: 10.1097/ss.0000000000000221
Laura Carretta , Alessandra Cardinali , Giuseppe Zanin , Roberta Masin

ABSTRACT Buffer strips can reduce herbicide runoff from cultivated fields due to the ability of vegetation to impede the flow of surface runoff, promote infiltration, and adsorb herbicides. Conservation agriculture has many environmental advantages, but the transition phase from a conventional to a conservation system is a critical period, especially for surface runoff. In 2015, a field in Italy that was transitioning from conventional to conservation agriculture was tested to analyze the efficacy of different types of buffer strips in reducing the runoff of three herbicides compared with no-buffer plots. At each runoff event, water volume was measured and terbuthylazine, metolachlor, and mesotrione concentrations were determined. Buffer strips were able to reduce the number of runoff events by 63% to 83%. The runoff volumes were significantly reduced in the presence of buffer strips, whereas no differences were found between different types of buffer strips. Among herbicides, mesotrione was not detected in runoff water samples. The highest losses of terbuthylazine and metolachlor were from plots without buffer strips during the first three runoff events. All types of buffer strips significantly reduced the total losses of terbuthylazine and metolachlor in the monitored runoff events, with a reduction of more than 99%. This study confirmed that buffer strips are a very effective mitigation system against surface water pollution by herbicides, even in agronomic situations that promote runoff.



摘要 缓冲带可以减少耕地的除草剂径流,因为植被具有阻止地表径流流动、促进渗透和吸附除草剂的能力。保护性农业具有许多环境优势,但从传统系统到保护系统的过渡阶段是一个关键时期,尤其是地表径流。2015 年,意大利的一个从传统农业向保护性农业过渡的田地进行了测试,以分析与无缓冲地块相比,不同类型的缓冲带在减少三种除草剂径流方面的功效。在每次径流事件中,测量水量并测定特丁津、异丙甲草胺和甲基磺草酮的浓度。缓冲带能够将径流事件的数量减少 63% 到 83%。在缓冲带存在的情况下,径流量显着减少,而不同类型的缓冲带之间没有发现差异。在除草剂中,在径流水样中未检测到甲基磺草酮。在前三个径流事件期间,特丁津和异丙甲草胺的最大损失来自没有缓冲带的地块。所有类型的缓冲带都显着降低了监测到的径流事件中特丁津和异丙甲草胺的总损失,减少了 99% 以上。这项研究证实,即使在促进径流的农艺情况下,缓冲带也是一种非常有效的缓解除草剂污染地表水的系统。径流水样中未检测到甲基磺草酮。在前三个径流事件期间,特丁津和异丙甲草胺的最大损失来自没有缓冲带的地块。所有类型的缓冲带都显着降低了监测到的径流事件中特丁津和异丙甲草胺的总损失,减少了 99% 以上。这项研究证实,即使在促进径流的农艺情况下,缓冲带也是一种非常有效的缓解除草剂污染地表水的系统。径流水样中未检测到甲基磺草酮。在前三个径流事件期间,特丁津和异丙甲草胺的最大损失来自没有缓冲带的地块。所有类型的缓冲带都显着降低了监测到的径流事件中特丁津和异丙甲草胺的总损失,减少了 99% 以上。这项研究证实,即使在促进径流的农艺情况下,缓冲带也是一种非常有效的缓解除草剂污染地表水的系统。