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Colour-ring wear and loss effects in citizen science mark-resighting studies
Avian Research ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2019-04-15 , DOI: 10.1186/s40657-019-0151-z
Andrew M. Allen , Bruno J. Ens , Martijn van de Pol , Henk van der Jeugd , Magali Frauendorf , Henk-Jan van der Kolk , Kees Oosterbeek , Jeroen Nienhuis , Eelke Jongejans

Ring wear and loss may have important consequences for mark-recapture studies that aim to estimate survival trends. Our study quantifies the rates of wear and loss from a long-running colour-ringing project of the Eurasian Oystercatcher (Haematopus ostralegus) in the Netherlands. Our analysis included 8909 colour-ringed oystercatchers with 118,071 resightings, predominantly ringed and observed by citizen scientists. We quantified how ring wear and loss may vary with ring colour and age, and how this may impact resighting probabilities. We then determined how ring loss may impact survival estimates and resighting probabilities of mark-recapture models by simulating four scenarios of how citizen scientists may resight and report birds with lost colour rings. Annual rates of colour ring loss averaged 2.5% compared with 1% for ring wear, but lost rings also had a higher reporting probability (31.2%) than worn rings (10.3%). Lost rings may not directly impact survival estimates since 50% of oystercatchers with lost rings could still be uniquely identified. Ring wear and loss rapidly increased between 10 and 15 years after ringing. Rates of ring loss were comparable amongst ring colours, but the wear rate appeared higher for red and white rings compared to other colours. Rates of ring wear and loss varied significantly amongst different regions in our study, which were characterised as having different habitat features. Differential rates of ring wear may have important implications for studies conducted over large geographical scales or of multiple species. Based on simulations of ring loss in our population, estimates of apparent survival may be 0.3–1.2% lower whilst the impact of ring wear was deemed even lower. We developed a table of recommendations containing advice for ring fitting, data collection, study design, and mark-recapture analyses, so that future colour-ringing studies can benefit from our experiences in collecting and analysing data of ring wear and loss through citizen science.



戒指磨损和丢失可能对旨在估计生存趋势的商标夺回研究产生重要影响。我们的研究量化了荷兰一项长期运行的欧亚蛎cat(Haematopus ostralegus)彩铃项目的磨损率和损耗率。我们的分析包括8909头有环礁的牡蛎捕捞者,有118,071项目次,主要是由公民科学家环捕和观察到的。我们量化了戒指的磨损和损耗如何随戒指的颜色和年龄而变化,以及这如何影响重新瞄准的概率。然后,我们通过模拟四种公民科学家如何监督和报告丢失色环的鸟类的情况,确定了环丢失如何影响生存估计和标记夺回模型的重新发现概率。年均色环损耗率平均为2.5%,而环磨损率为1%,但是丢失戒指的报告几率(31.2%)比磨损戒指(10.3%)高。丢失环可能不会直接影响生存估计,因为仍然可以唯一地识别出丢失环的牡蛎捕捞者中的50%。振铃后10到15年之间,振铃磨损和损耗迅速增加。戒指的丢失率在各种戒指颜色之间是可比的,但是与其他颜色相比,红色和白色戒指的磨损率似乎更高。在我们的研究中,不同区域之间的环磨损和丢失率显着不同,这些区域具有不同的栖息地特征。环磨损的不同速率可能对在较大地理规模或多个物种上进行的研究具有重要意义。根据我们人群中环丢失的模拟,表观存活率的估计值可能为0.3-1。降低了2%,而环磨损的影响甚至更低。我们制定了一份建议表,其中包含有关戒指装配,数据收集,研究设计和标记夺回分析的建议,以便将来的彩色戒指研究可以从我们通过公民科学收集和分析戒指磨损和损耗数据的经验中受益。