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Valuing inland blue space: A contingent valuation study of two large freshwater lakes.
Science of the Total Environment ( IF 9.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.136921
Craig W McDougall 1 , Nick Hanley 2 , Richard S Quilliam 1 , Katherine Needham 2 , David M Oliver 1

Water bodies, or blue spaces, offer a range of health and well-being benefits. Many of these benefits occur in waterside spaces and do not require direct water contact. For example, non-water based physical activity (e.g. walking and running) and reduced stress as a result of viewing water from a distance. However, research dedicated to understanding the economic impact of changes to freshwater ecosystems predominantly focuses on water-based recreation and water quality. As a result, the economic impacts of changes to waterside space are often overlooked. This study used the contingent valuation method to determine public preference for the protection of lakeside quality, in terms of lake views, path quality and lakeside access, at two large freshwater lakes in Scotland (Loch Lomond and Loch Leven). The aim of the study was to estimate willingness to pay among a sample of adults in Scotland (n = 1056) for the protection of lakeside quality. Results indicate that the majority of respondents are willing to pay for the preservation of lakeside quality at each lake. Based upon the most conservative estimates obtained, mean willingness to pay for the protection of lakeside quality was £12.06 per household per year at Loch Lomond and £8.44 at Loch Leven. These findings provide valuable economic data and suggest that changes to waterside space at destination water bodies have nationally important economic impacts. Greater consideration of the economic impact of changes to lakeside space is recommended in order to develop cost-effective and socially optimal water resource management policies at large freshwater lakes.



水体或蓝色空间可提供一系列的健康和福祉。这些好处中有许多发生在水边空间,不需要直接与水接触。例如,非水上运动(例如步行和跑步)和从远处观看水可减轻压力。但是,致力于了解淡水生态系统变化的经济影响的研究主要集中在水上娱乐和水质上。结果,水边空间变化的经济影响常常被忽略。这项研究使用或有评估法,从苏格兰的两个大型淡水湖(洛奇湖水和洛芬湖)的湖泊景观,路径质量和湖滨通道的角度,确定了保护湖边质量的公众偏好。该研究的目的是评估苏格兰(n = 1056)成年人样本中为保护湖边质量而愿意支付的意愿。结果表明,大多数受访者愿意为保护每个湖泊的湖边质量付出代价。根据所获得的最保守的估计,洛蒙德湖平均每户每年愿意为保护湖边水质支付的费用为12.06英镑,莱夫湖地区为每户每年8.44英镑。这些发现提供了有价值的经济数据,并表明目的地水体的水边空间变化对全国产生重要的经济影响。为了在大型淡水湖泊中制定具有成本效益的,社会上最优的水资源管理政策,建议更多地考虑变化对湖边空间的经济影响。