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Exercise effects on brain and behavior in healthy mice, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease model-A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Behavioural Brain Research ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.bbr.2020.112488
Thiago Medeiros da Costa Daniele 1 , Pedro Felipe Carvalhedo de Bruin 2 , Robson Salviano de Matos 2 , Gabriela Sales de Bruin 3 , Cauby Maia Chaves 4 , Veralice Meireles Sales de Bruin 2

This systematic review and meta-analysis examines how exercise modifies brain and behavior in healthy mice, dementia (D) and Parkinson disease (PD) models. A search was performed on the Medline and Scopus electronic databases (2008-2019). Search terms were "mice", "brain", "treadmill", "exercise", "physical exercise". In the total, 430 were found but only 103 were included. Animals n = 1,172; exercised 4-8 weeks (Range 24 h to 32 weeks), 60 min/day (Range 8-120 min per day), and 10/12 m/min (Range 0.2 m/min to 36 m/min). Hippocampus, cerebral cortex, striatum and whole brain were more frequently investigated. Exercise improved learning and memory. Meta-analysis showed that exercise increased: cerebral BDNF in health (n = 150; z = 5.8, CI 3.43-12.05; p < 0.001 I2 = 94.3 %), D (n = 124; z = 4.18, CI = 2.22-9.12; p < 0.001; I2 = 93.7 %) and PD (n = 16 z = 4.26, CI 5.03-48.73 p < 0.001 I2 = 94.8 %). TrkB improved in health (n = 84 z = 5.49, CI 3.8-17.73 p < 0.001, I2 = 0.000) and PD (n = 22; z = 3.1, CI = 2.58-67.3, p < 0.002 I2 = 93.8 %). Neurogenesis increased in health (n = 68; z = 7.08, CI 5.65-21.25 p < 0.001; I2 17.58) and D model (n = 116; z = 4.18, CI 2.22-9.12 p < 0.001 I2 93.7 %). Exercise augmented amyloid clearance (n = 166; z = 7.51 CI = 4.86-14.85, p < 0.001 I2 = 58.72) and reduced amyloid plaques in D models (n = 49; z = 4.65, CI = 3.94-15.3 p < 0.001 I2 = 0.000). In conclusion, exercise improved brain and behavior, neurogenesis in healthy and dementia models, reduced toxicity and cerebral amyloid. Evidence regarding inflammation, oxidative stress and energy metabolism were scarce. Studies examining acute vs chronic exercise, extreme training and the durability of exercise benefit were rare. Vascular or glucose metabolism changes were seldom reported.



这项系统的综述和荟萃分析研究了运动如何改变健康小鼠,痴呆症(D)和帕金森病(PD)模型中的大脑和行为。在Medline和Scopus电子数据库(2008-2019)上进行了搜索。搜索词是“小鼠”,“大脑”,“跑步机”,“运动”,“体育锻炼”。在总数中,发现了430个,但仅包括103个。动物n = 1,172;运动4-8周(范围24小时至32周),60分钟/天(范围8-120分钟/天)和10/12 m / min(范围0.2 m / min至36 m / min)。对海马,大脑皮层,纹状体和全脑的检查更为频繁。锻炼提高学习和记忆能力。荟萃分析显示运动增加了:健康的脑BDNF(n = 150; z = 5.8,CI 3.43-12.05; p <0.001 I2 = 94.3%),D(n = 124; z = 4.18,CI = 2.22-9.12;p <0.001;I2 = 93.7%)和PD(n = 16 z = 4.26,CI 5.03-48.73 p <0.001 I2 = 94.8%)。TrkB的健康状况得到改善(n = 84 z = 5.49,CI 3.8-17.73 p <0.001,I2 = 0.000)和PD(n = 22; z = 3.1,CI = 2.58-67.3,p <0.002 I2 = 93.8%)。健康的神经发生增加(n = 68; z = 7.08,CI 5.65-21.25 p <0.001; I2 17.58)和D模型(n = 116; z = 4.18,CI 2.22-9.12 p <0.001 I2 93.7%)。在D模型中运动可增加淀粉样蛋白清除率(n = 166; z = 7.51 CI = 4.86-14.85,p <0.001 I2 = 58.72)和减少的淀粉样蛋白斑块(n = 49; z = 4.65,CI = 3.94-15.3 p <0.001 I2 = 0.000)。总之,运动改善了大脑和行为,改善了健康和痴呆模型中的神经发生,降低了毒性和脑淀粉样蛋白。关于炎症,氧化应激和能量代谢的证据很少。很少研究关于急性与慢性运动,极限训练和运动益处持久性的研究。很少报道血管或葡萄糖代谢改变。