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Electrical harmonic oscillator with MR damper and energy harvester operating as TMD: Experimental study
Mechatronics ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.mechatronics.2020.102324
Bogdan Sapiński , Łukasz Jastrzębski , Janusz Gołdasz

Abstract In the study we propose and examine a novel concept, eMR-TMD as we call it, replacing a standard tuned mass damper (TMD) by an electrical harmonic oscillator (RLC circuit). The concept employs an electromagnetic energy harvester (EEH) to extract energy from vibrations, an RLC circuit in which serial resonance phenomenon occurs and a magnetorheological (MR) damper. The approach does not require modifications to the structural part of the system, i.e. no additional mass and spring are needed. The essence of the concept relies on the introduction of a tuned RLC circuit between the EEH coil and the control coil of the MR damper. The RLC circuit parameters we select in such a way so that the electrical resonance frequency is close to or equal mechanical resonance frequency in which the eMR-TMD concept is applicable. Moreover, it is required that the RLC circuit's quality factor is greater than 1 and then the voltage activated the MR damper is higher than the EEH induced voltage at the resonance frequency. Fulfilling the criteria allows tuning the current in the MR damper's control coil so that it is maximized at resonance frequency and minimized at high excitation frequencies. To prove the concept's potential we test the engineered eMR-TMD system experimentally under sinusoidal excitations. We compare the obtained test results with those acquired with the MR damper powered directly from the EEH (dMR-EEH concept) and when the MR damper's control coil is not powered (without TMD concept).


具有 MR 阻尼器和能量收集器作为 TMD 运行的电谐振器:实验研究

摘要 在研究中,我们提出并研究了一个新概念,即我们所说的 eMR-TMD,它用电谐波振荡器(RLC 电路)代替标准调谐质量阻尼器 (TMD)。该概念采用电磁能量收集器 (EEH) 从振动中提取能量、发生串联谐振现象的 RLC 电路和磁流变 (MR) 阻尼器。该方法不需要修改系统的结构部分,即不需要额外的质量和弹簧。该概念的本质依赖于在 EEH 线圈和 MR 阻尼器的控制线圈之间引入调谐 RLC 电路。我们以这样一种方式选择 RLC 电路参数,以便电谐振频率接近或等于 eMR-TMD 概念适用的机械谐振频率。而且,要求 RLC 电路的品质因数大于 1,然后激活 MR 阻尼器的电压高于谐振频率下的 EEH 感应电压。满足标准允许调整 MR 阻尼器控制线圈中的电流,使其在共振频率下最大化,在高激励频率下最小化。为了证明这个概念的潜力,我们在正弦激励下通过实验测试了设计的 eMR-TMD 系统。我们将获得的测试结果与直接从 EEH 供电的 MR 阻尼器(dMR-EEH 概念)以及当 MR 阻尼器的控制线圈未供电时(无 TMD 概念)获得的测试结果进行比较。满足标准允许调整 MR 阻尼器控制线圈中的电流,使其在共振频率下最大化,在高激励频率下最小化。为了证明这个概念的潜力,我们在正弦激励下通过实验测试了设计的 eMR-TMD 系统。我们将获得的测试结果与直接从 EEH 供电的 MR 阻尼器(dMR-EEH 概念)以及当 MR 阻尼器的控制线圈未供电时(无 TMD 概念)获得的测试结果进行比较。满足标准允许调整 MR 阻尼器控制线圈中的电流,使其在共振频率下最大化,在高激励频率下最小化。为了证明这个概念的潜力,我们在正弦激励下通过实验测试了设计的 eMR-TMD 系统。我们将获得的测试结果与直接从 EEH 供电的 MR 阻尼器(dMR-EEH 概念)以及当 MR 阻尼器的控制线圈未供电(无 TMD 概念)时获得的测试结果进行比较。