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Time to Relapse and the Patterns of Relapse Are Prognostic for Post-Relapse Survival after CD34+-Selected Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Multiple Myeloma
Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation ( IF 5.609 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.bbmt.2019.12.089
Alexandra Gomez-Arteaga , Gunjan L. Shah , Raymond E Baser , Josel D. Ruiz , Adam Bryant , David J. Chung , Parastoo B. Dahi , Arnab Ghosh , Oscar Boutros Lahoud , Heather J Landau , Ola Landgren , Molly A. Maloy , Michael Scordo , Brian C. Shaffer , Eric Smith , Guenther Koehne , Miguel Perales , Sergio A. Giralt

Allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HCT), defined by its underlying graft-versus-multiple myeloma (MM) effect, is a potentially curative approach for high-risk pts. However, relapse remains the main cause of treatment failure. Predictors for post-relapse survival after HCT are not well characterized, and we hypothesized that the time to relapse and the patterns of relapse are prognostic for post-relapse survival.

Methods: All pts with MM who underwent a CD34+-selected alloHCT at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center on protocol (NCT 01131169/01119066) or off study from 01/2010 to 12/2017 and progressed after alloHCT were included. Pts were conditioned with busulfan (0.8 mg/kg x 10), melphalan (70 mg/m2 × 2), and fludarabine (25mg/m2 × 5). The K-M method was used to estimate OS post-HCT relapse. Significant predictors were considered in a Cox model.

Results: Of the 115 transplanted pts, 60 (52%) relapsed and were analyzed. The median age was 56 yrs (35- 66), 62% male and 82% with high-risk cytogenetics (CG). KPS was ≥ 80 in 100% and ≥ 90 in 52%. Pts received a median of 4 lines of therapy pre-HCT (1-10), with 88% achieving at least a partial response (PR) prior to alloHCT. All pts had received at least one autoHCT. Of the 38% who received a planned or preemptive post-HCT therapy, 13 received DLI and 10 other strategies. Relapse was characterized as very early (<6 mo, 28%), early (6-24 mo, 50%), or late (>24 mo, 22%). At relapse, 27% presented with extramedullary disease (EMD). Median post-relapse OS was significantly different for pts who relapsed very early, early, or late; 4 mo, 17 mo, and 72 mo, respectively (p = 0.002). Age ≥55, relapse with EMD, lower KPS, <PR prior to HCT, <PR by day 100, and no maintenance were also prognostic for worse post-relapse OS in univariate analysis. There was no significant difference for post-relapse OS for number of lines, high-risk CG, or era of alloHCT. In multivariate analysis adjusting for sex and age, risk factors for worse post-relapse OS included very early (HR 4.4, 95%CI 1.4-13.5) or early relapse (HR 2.5, 95%CI 1.4-13.5), relapse with EMD (HR 5.2, 95%CI 2.1-12.9), and lack of DLI as planned post-HCT therapy (HR for DLI compared with no DLI = 0.11, 95%CI 0.01-0.9).

Conclusion: For this very high-risk group of MM pts, differences in time to relapse after alloHCT define very distinct post-relapse survival patterns. Very early relapses were associated with greater chemoresistance and dismal prognosis. In contrast, the median post-relapse OS for late relapses was 6 yrs, suggesting different underlying disease biology and/or host/donor characteristics. Similar to the post-auto setting, relapse with EMD conferred poor prognosis. Of note, post-relapse OS was superior for pts who received a DLI as planned post-HCT therapy prior to relapse. Efforts to characterize optimal post-relapse therapeutic strategies and mechanism(s) driving relapses are ongoing.


CD34 +选择的同种异体造血干细胞移植治疗多发性骨髓瘤后,复发时间和复发方式可预测复发后生存率。


方法:纳入所有在协议纪念日(NCT 01131169/01119066)或从01/2010至12/2017接受研究且在alloHCT之后进展的,在Memorial Sloan Kettering癌症中心接受CD34 +选择的alloHCT的MM患者。用白消安(0.8 mg / kg x 10),美法仑(70 mg / m2×2)和氟达拉滨(25mg / m2×5)调节Pts。KM方法用于估计HCT后OS的复发。在Cox模型中考虑了重要的预测因素。

结果:在115例移植的患者中,有60例(52%)复发并进行了分析。中位年龄为56岁(35-66岁),男性为62%,患有高危细胞遗传学(CG)的为82%。KPS在100%中≥80,在52%中≥90。Pts在HCT之前接受了4线治疗的中位数(1-10),其中88%的人在alloHCT之前达到了至少部分反应(PR)。所有患者均接受了至少一项autoHCT。在接受计划或先发性HCT治疗后的38%的人中,有13人接受了DLI和其他10种策略。复发的特征是非常早(<6 mo,28%),早期(6-24 mo,50%)或晚期(> 24 mo,22%​​)。在复发时,27%的患者患有髓外疾病(EMD)。对于非常早,早或晚复发的患者,复发后中位操作系统的中位数差异显着。4 mo,17 mo和72 mo(p = 0.002)。年龄≥55岁,EMD复发,KPS降低,<HCT之前的PR,< 在单变量分析中,到第100天时PR且没有维护也预示了复发后OS恶化的预后。对于行数,高危CG或alloHCT时代,复发后OS没有显着差异。在根据性别和年龄进行调整的多因素分析中,复发后OS恶化的危险因素包括很早(HR 4.4,95%CI 1.4-13.5)或早期复发(HR 2.5,95%CI 1.4-13.5),EMD复发( HR 5.2,95%CI 2.1-12.9),以及按计划进行的HCT治疗后缺乏DLI(DLI的HR与无DLI的患者相比为0.11,95%CI 0.01-0.9)。

结论:对于这一极高风险的MM pts组,alloHCT后复发时间的差异定义了非常不同的复发后生存模式。早期复发与较高的化学耐药性和不良预后相关。相反,晚期复发的中位复发后OS为6年,表明潜在的疾病生物学和/或宿主/供体特征不同。与自动后设置类似,EMD复发会导致不良预后。值得注意的是,对于计划在复发前接受HLI治疗后接受DLI的患者,复发后OS更为优越。表征最佳复发后治疗策略和驱动复发的机制的研究正在进行中。
