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Monte Carlo studies of the spin-chirality decoupling in the three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glass
Physical Review B ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-22 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.101.014434
Takumi Ogawa , Kazuki Uematsu , Hikaru Kawamura

An extensive equilibrium Monte Carlo simulation is performed on the three-dimensional isotropic Heisenberg spin-glass (SG) model with the random nearest-neighbor Gaussian coupling, with particular interest in its chiral-glass (CG) and SG orderings. For this model, the possibility of the spin-chirality decoupling, i.e., the CG order setting in at a higher temperature than that of the SG order, was suggested earlier but still remains controversial. We simulate the model up to the maximum size (linear dimension) L=48 under both periodic and open boundary conditions (BCs). In locating the CG and SG transition temperatures TCG and TSG with the L extrapolation, a variety of independent physical quantities under both BCs are computed and utilized to get larger number of degrees of freedom (NDF). Because of the large NDF up to NDF=43, we succeed in obtaining stable and accurate estimates of the CG and SG transition temperatures, TCG=0.142±0.001 and TSG=0.1310.006+0.001. No sign of the size crossover is observed. For larger L, the CG correlation length progressively outgrows the SG correlation length at low temperatures. These results provide strong numerical support for the spin-chirality decoupling. The critical exponents associated with the CG and SG transitions are evaluated using the finite-size scaling with the scaling correction. For the CG transition, we get the CG exponents, νCG=1.36±0.10 and ηCG=0.49±0.10, consistent with the corresponding experimental exponents of canonical SG. Implications for the chirality scenario of experimental SG ordering are discussed.



在具有各向同性随机高斯耦合的三维各向同性海森堡自旋玻璃(SG)模型上进行了广泛的平衡蒙特卡洛模拟,特别是对其手性玻璃(CG)和SG的排序感兴趣。对于该模型,较早提出了自旋手性去耦的可能性,即CG顺序设置在比SG顺序更高的温度下,但仍然存在争议。我们模拟模型直至最大尺寸(线性尺寸)大号=48在周期性和开放边界条件(BCs)下。确定CG和SG的转变温度ŤCGŤSG大号外推法计算两个BC下的各种独立物理量,并利用它们获得更多的自由度(NDF)。由于NDF较大,NDF=43,我们成功获得了CG和SG转变温度的稳定且准确的估算值, ŤCG=0.142±0.001ŤSG=0131-0.006+0.001。没有观察到尺寸交叉的迹象。对于更大大号,CG相关长度在低温下逐渐超过SG相关长度。这些结果为自旋手性解耦提供了有力的数值支持。使用带有缩放校正的有限大小缩放,可以评估与CG和SG过渡相关的临界指数。对于CG过渡,我们得到了CG指数,νCG=1.36±0.10ηCG=0.49±0.10,与规范SG的相应实验指数一致。讨论了实验性SG有序手性方案的含义。