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Segment blockchain: A size reduced storage mechanism for blockchain
arXiv - CS - Cryptography and Security Pub Date : 2020-01-20 , DOI: arxiv-2001.07023
Yibin Xu and Yangyu Huang

The exponential growth of the blockchain size has become a major contributing factor that hinders the decentralisation of blockchain and its potential implementations in data-heavy applications. In this paper, we propose segment blockchain, an approach that segmentises blockchain and enables nodes to only store a copy of one blockchain segment. We use \emph{PoW} as a membership threshold to limit the number of nodes taken by an Adversary---the Adversary can only gain at most $n/2$ of nodes in a network of $n$ nodes when it has $50\%$ of the calculation power in the system (the Nakamoto blockchain security threshold). A segment blockchain system fails when an Adversary stores all copies of a segment, because the Adversary can then leave the system, causing a permanent loss of the segment. We theoretically prove that segment blockchain can sustain a $(AD/n)^m$ failure probability when the Adversary has no more than $AD$ number of nodes and every segment is stored by $m$ number of nodes. The storage requirement is mostly shrunken compared to the traditional design and therefore making the blockchain more suitable for data-heavy applications.



区块链规模的指数增长已成为阻碍区块链去中心化及其在数据密集型应用程序中潜在实施的主要因素。在本文中,我们提出了分段区块链,这是一种将区块链分段并使节点能够仅存储一个区块链分段的副本的方法。我们使用 \emph{PoW} 作为成员资格阈值来限制 Adversary 使用的节点数量——当 Adversary 拥有 $50 美元时,它最多只能在 $n$ 个节点的网络中获得 $n/2$ 个节点\%$ 系统中的算力(中本聪区块链安全阈值)。当敌手存储一个段的所有副本时,段区块链系统就会失败,因为对手可以离开系统,导致该段的永久丢失。我们理论上证明,当对手的节点数不超过 $AD$ 并且每个段由 $m$ 个节点存储时,段区块链可以承受 $(AD/n)^m$ 的失败概率。与传统设计相比,存储需求大多缩小,因此使区块链更适合数据密集型应用程序。