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PoAh: A Novel Consensus Algorithm for Fast Scalable Private Blockchain for Large-scale IoT Frameworks
arXiv - CS - Cryptography and Security Pub Date : 2020-01-21 , DOI: arxiv-2001.07297
Deepak Puthal and Saraju P. Mohanty and Venkata P. Yanambaka and Elias Kougianos

In today's connected world, resource constrained devices are deployed for sensing and decision making applications, ranging from smart cities to environmental monitoring. Those recourse constrained devices are connected to create real-time distributed networks popularly known as the Internet of Things (IoT), fog computing and edge computing. The blockchain is gaining a lot of interest in these domains to secure the system by ignoring centralized dependencies, where proof-of-work (PoW) plays a vital role to make the whole security solution decentralized. Due to the resource limitations of the devices, PoW is not suitable for blockchain-based security solutions. This paper presents a novel consensus algorithm called Proof-of-Authentication (PoAh), which introduces a cryptographic authentication mechanism to replace PoW for resource constrained devices, and to make the blockchain application-specific. PoAh is thus suitable for private as well as permissioned blockchains. Further, PoAh not only secures the systems, but also maintains system sustainability and scalability. The proposed consensus algorithm is evaluated theoretically in simulation scenarios, and in real-time hardware testbeds to validate its performance. Finally, PoAh and its integration with the blockchain in the IoT and edge computing scenarios is discussed. The proposed PoAh, while running in limited computer resources (e.g. single-board computing devices like the Raspberry Pi) has a latency in the order of 3 secs.



在当今的互联世界中,资源受限的设备被部署用于传感和决策应用,从智慧城市到环境监测。这些资源受限的设备连接起来创建实时分布式网络,俗称物联网 (IoT)、雾计算和边缘计算。区块链在这些领域获得了很大的兴趣,通过忽略集中式依赖关系来保护系统,其中工作量证明 (PoW) 在使整个安全解决方案分散化方面发挥着至关重要的作用。由于设备的资源限制,PoW 不适合基于区块链的安全解决方案。本文提出了一种称为验证证明 (PoAh) 的新型共识算法,它引入了一种加密身份验证机制来代替资源受限设备的 PoW,并使区块链应用程序特定。因此,PoA 既适用于私有区块链,也适用于许可区块链。此外,PoAh 不仅可以保护系统,还可以保持系统的可持续性和可扩展性。所提出的共识算法在模拟场景中进行了理论上的评估,并在实时硬件测试平台中进行了验证,以验证其性能。最后,讨论了 PoAh 及其在 IoT 和边缘计算场景中与区块链的集成。提议的 PoAh 在有限的计算机资源(例如单板计算设备,如 Raspberry Pi)中运行时,延迟约为 3 秒。因此,PoA 既适用于私有区块链,也适用于许可区块链。此外,PoAh 不仅可以保护系统,还可以保持系统的可持续性和可扩展性。所提出的共识算法在模拟场景中进行了理论上的评估,并在实时硬件测试平台中进行了验证,以验证其性能。最后,讨论了 PoAh 及其在 IoT 和边缘计算场景中与区块链的集成。提议的 PoAh 在有限的计算机资源(例如单板计算设备,如 Raspberry Pi)中运行时,延迟约为 3 秒。因此,PoA 既适用于私有区块链,也适用于许可区块链。此外,PoAh 不仅可以保护系统,还可以保持系统的可持续性和可扩展性。所提出的共识算法在模拟场景中进行了理论上的评估,并在实时硬件测试平台中进行了验证,以验证其性能。最后,讨论了 PoAh 及其在 IoT 和边缘计算场景中与区块链的集成。提议的 PoAh 在有限的计算机资源(例如单板计算设备,如 Raspberry Pi)中运行时,延迟约为 3 秒。最后,讨论了 PoAh 及其在 IoT 和边缘计算场景中与区块链的集成。提议的 PoAh 在有限的计算机资源(例如单板计算设备,如 Raspberry Pi)中运行时,延迟约为 3 秒。最后,讨论了 PoAh 及其在 IoT 和边缘计算场景中与区块链的集成。提议的 PoAh 在有限的计算机资源(例如单板计算设备,如 Raspberry Pi)中运行时,延迟约为 3 秒。