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Intestinal parasites among food handlers of food service establishments in Ethiopia: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
BMC Public Health ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-16 , DOI: 10.1186/s12889-020-8167-1
Yonas Yimam 1, 2 , Ambachew Woreta 2, 3 , Mehdi Mohebali 1, 4

BACKGROUND Intestinal parasites remain considerable public health problems in low-income countries where poor food hygiene practice is common. Food handlers, people involved in preparing and serving food, working with poor personal hygiene could pose a potential threat of spreading intestinal parasites to the public in a community. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was, therefore, to synthesize the pooled prevalence estimate of intestinal parasites and associated pooled odds ratio of hygienic predictors among food handlers of food service establishments in Ethiopia that could aid to further bringing down the burden of intestinal parasites and it can also be used as a springboard for future studies. METHODS We searched exhaustively for studies Published before 20 April 2019 using eight Databases; PubMed, Science Direct, Web of Science, Scopus, Embase, Google Scholar, ProQuest, and Ovid MEDLINE® complemented by the gray literature search. In the final synthesis, we included twenty study reports. We used the Cochrane Q test and I2 test to assess heterogeneity of studies, while we employed a funnel plot followed by Egger's regression asymmetry test and Begg rank correlation methods to evaluate publication bias. We also performed a point estimates and 95% confidence interval for each study using STATA version 14 statistical software. RESULTS The overall pooled prevalence estimate of intestinal parasites among food handlers of food service establishments in Ethiopia was 33.6% (95%CI: 27.6-39.6%). Among ten intestinal parasites identified from food handlers, Entamoeba histolytica/ dispar (11, 95%CI: 7.9-14.1%) and Ascaris lumbricoides (8.8, 95%CI: 6.4-11.2%) were the most predominant intestinal parasites. Food handlers who washed hands after toilet use had 54% (OR, 0.46, 95% CI: 0.23-0.94) protection from intestinal parasites compared to those who did not. CONCLUSIONS This study revealed that intestinal parasitic infections are notable among food handlers of food service establishments in Ethiopia, which may be a risk for transmitting intestinal parasites to food and drinks consumers through the food chain. Thus, periodic stool checkup, training on intestinal parasitic infections and personal hygiene should be applied to reduce public health and socio-economic impacts of parasitic infections.



背景技术在食物卫生习惯较差的低收入国家,肠道寄生虫仍然是相当大的公共卫生问题。食物处理者,参与准备和提供食物的人员,个人卫生状况较差,可能会对社区中的肠道寄生虫传播给公众构成潜在威胁。因此,本系统综述和荟萃分析的目的是综合埃塞俄比亚食品服务场所食品从业人员的肠道寄生虫患病率综合估计值和相关卫生预测因子的相关综合优势比,以帮助进一步减轻生产者的负担。肠道寄生虫,也可以用作未来研究的跳板。方法我们使用8个数据库详尽搜索了2019年4月20日之前发布的研究; PubMed,Science Direct,Web of Science,Scopus,Embase,Google Scholar,ProQuest和OvidMEDLINE®辅以灰色文献搜索。在最终的综合报告中,我们包括了二十份研究报告。我们使用Cochrane Q检验和I2检验评估研究的异质性,同时我们采用漏斗图,Egger回归不对称检验和Begg秩相关方法评估出版偏倚。我们还使用STATA 14版统计软件对每个研究进行了点估计和95%置信区间。结果埃塞俄比亚食品服务场所食品从业人员的肠道寄生虫总体合并患病率估计为33.6%(95%CI:27.6-39.6%)。在从食物处理人员中鉴定出的十种肠道寄生虫中,组织变形虫/肠梭菌(11,95%CI:7.9-14.1%)和A虫(8.8,95%CI:6.4-11)。2%)是最主要的肠道寄生虫。与没有洗手的人相比,洗手后洗手的食品从业人员有54%(OR,0.46,95%CI:0.23-0.94)免受肠道寄生虫的影响。结论该研究表明,埃塞俄比亚食品服务场所的食品从业人员中肠道寄生虫感染很明显,这可能是通过食物链将肠道寄生虫传播给食品和饮料消费者的风险。因此,应进行定期粪便检查,肠道寄生虫感染和个人卫生方面的培训,以减少寄生虫感染的公共卫生和社会经济影响。结论该研究表明,埃塞俄比亚食品服务场所的食品从业人员中肠道寄生虫感染很明显,这可能是通过食物链将肠道寄生虫传播给食品和饮料消费者的风险。因此,应进行定期粪便检查,肠道寄生虫感染和个人卫生方面的培训,以减少寄生虫感染的公共卫生和社会经济影响。结论该研究表明,埃塞俄比亚食品服务场所的食品从业人员中肠道寄生虫感染很明显,这可能是通过食物链将肠道寄生虫传播给食品和饮料消费者的风险。因此,应进行定期粪便检查,肠道寄生虫感染和个人卫生方面的培训,以减少寄生虫感染的公共卫生和社会经济影响。